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Everything posted by monkeyseemonkeydo

  1. Haven't seen them. What is it? Do you mean Lynx 3 or is that something different?
  2. To be honest I'm with Dr Nick here... the best (only?) way to properly work the muscles used for trials, in a way that will make them better for trials riding (not just make them bigger), is to ride trials. This thread is mainly for people going to the gym to bulk up, which is bad for trials. What you need to do is explosive power training, which gyms really can't provide... The weather's nice. Get outside and ride instead of wanting to stay inside with a bunch of sweaty guys looking at each other! Disclaimer: I'm not really one to talk- I didn't do PE past the compulsory stage at school and have never stepped foot inside a gym or worked out... however, with the help of a frankly f****d up metabolism, that hasn't stopped me being quite a muscly springy b*****d just from riding.
  3. Hope not Didn't see it but I'll take a stab in the dark, if I may. 'Bear' finds himself in 'one of the most dangerous environments in the world' where 'you could die in less than 12 hours' if you aren't him. He then pretends to trek for hundreds of miles carrying only his little bumbag with about half a litre of water. He urinates on himself/his clothes for some reason before killing and eating some poor little creatures and maybe even makes a bivvy bag from an elephants scrotum. He then finds himself having to swim through a shark infested pool with lasers attached to their friggin' heads (in which he very nearly dies, twice, even though his cameraman, who's with him at all times, appears completely safe)... Actually, that raises the question of who his cameraman is who never has any problems while 'Bear' is freezing, starving, suffering dehydration, climbing an impossible ravine (often all at once)... I think it may be Fatty Mears.
  4. What is it with everyone making their bikes look like Koxx's?! Does look nice though...
  5. Where did you go Jonny?! I saw you at the start and then not at all for the rest of the day! It made me !
  6. Good shizzle! Get that Boxx sorted now so you can ride!!
  7. Cool beans Were they taken on a camera phone?!
  8. Epic. Fail. Sorry Natalie but had to report this to get it closed. This is your first post on the forum and as such you could quite easily be a scammer trying to rip people off, hence why new members aren't allowed to buy or sell things in this section.
  9. Where does the yellow marker suddenly appear from?! Not there... There!!
  10. That first one makes that wall look soooo big! And hahahaha at Fred's face on that gap!!
  11. Twas a good day- gorgeous weather and some stupid riding going down from the usual suspects- Porter, Ali, Stan, Rowan etc were going off! Good to see some old faces and well done to everyone who attended. Lots of people meant that immediately there were several groups riding in different places and I think I probably missed out on a lot of craziness but nevermind. Dave on the white Inspired who wasn't Sam Wheeler... RIP DJ...
  12. How dare you. How very dare you... insinuating untruths. I've a good mind to call my little plastic lawyer doll with the opening briefcase. Yup, thanks for uploading that one Andy!! I'll ignore that first comment but I was only warming up for the DJ ride really and wasn't doing anything dodgy. Sorry Luke, my bad! :$
  13. Lol at my face in that last one... is that the one where I just about ran into you?! Sweet pics dude- love the way Dan's frame stands out in the twilight shots!
  14. Not a fan of that frame at all. Looks like it's about to fold in half the first time you do a drop... Sorry!
  15. Are you talking about Fat Pants or Ot? (Sorry, couldn't resist that )
  16. A Pr frame will be almost identical geometry to your Ti and will most likely be heavier to boot. If you want a lighter frame you'll struggle as the Ti is a very good, light frame with excellent geometry for compy/natural riding.
  17. Haha. I was thinking that Glen seems to be talking from experience... I think some questions need to be answered Mr Pants.
  18. What's going on with that tensioner on the Control?!
  19. 1.1gb and... I'm getting it at 3.0 kbps... going to take 4.5 days to download. Umm, whatever. Good luck Rich!
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