Hope not Didn't see it but I'll take a stab in the dark, if I may. 'Bear' finds himself in 'one of the most dangerous environments in the world' where 'you could die in less than 12 hours' if you aren't him. He then pretends to trek for hundreds of miles carrying only his little bumbag with about half a litre of water. He urinates on himself/his clothes for some reason before killing and eating some poor little creatures and maybe even makes a bivvy bag from an elephants scrotum. He then finds himself having to swim through a shark infested pool with lasers attached to their friggin' heads (in which he very nearly dies, twice, even though his cameraman, who's with him at all times, appears completely safe)... Actually, that raises the question of who his cameraman is who never has any problems while 'Bear' is freezing, starving, suffering dehydration, climbing an impossible ravine (often all at once)... I think it may be Fatty Mears.