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Everything posted by monkeyseemonkeydo

  1. Discs discs discs discs discs. Guaranteed to make even the harshest rider appear smooth.
  2. I've got one of these at home Haven't been brave enough to stick it on my car yet... thought I might end up with an angry mob of christian's after me! Anyhoo...
  3. That's the thing though, with parts of quantum physics you can say that while being observed a particle is neither A nor B and only when the observer looks away will it 'decide' to be either. The inclusion of the conscious observer (i.e. us) just throws in something which seems to make no logical sense! Quantum physics is a strange kettle of fish.
  4. Top 10 questions. And things like * Can you tell me more about the structure of the organisation? * What kind of management style does your company promote? * What are the skills that you consider important for this job? * Do you reimburse travel expenses? * Do you have a complete job description for this post? * What kind of software do you use? * How will my performance be measured? * Do you have an induction course/notebook? Probably wouldn't go down too badly, but it all depends on the position/company you're going to really. Google is your friend
  5. Multiverse Many Worlds Interpretation Some light reading for anyone who's interested.
  6. I think it's more a creation of science fiction writers than a scientific theory, although I'm sure it is an actual theory nonetheless.
  7. <snip> Anyway, parallel dimensions/universes are a pretty freaky subject and it probably isn't a good idea to dwell on it too long... If you haven't already, go and watch the Butterfly Effect! Personally it doesn't seem all that plausible to me... I'm all for multiple universes (possibly an infinite number beyond our own) but to me they must exist in their own right and the thought of them being 'aware' of us and our actions seems a bit, well sci-fi. However, having said that there are already many things in our own universe that make effectively no sense whatsoever to our human minds- quantum theory being one of them. Also, I only found out the other day in Bill Bryson that electrons don't actually orbit a nucleus in nice discreet circles like the school books tell but but are in fact everywhere in the electron cloud at once, and at the same time nowhere. Or something like that. Now there's a mindf*#k!
  8. When I'm doing a big line where I need to fully commit I think I tend to do it anaerobically, as in hold my breath for the duration of the effort (and never grunt). I kind of do it naturally but read/heard somewhere that it's the most efficient way for explosive excercise. Like 100m sprinters do it anaerobically... or am I talking rubbish?
  9. I got two. Both pinches, one fair enough, one from me being a muppet.
  10. Cool pics Dr Nick- some really nice ones of people and groups that capture a nice 'atmosphere' if you know what I mean. RiP Deej Oh yeah, and I'm still trying to sus out how the hell John and Jack where getting to where they were at the pyramids. I need video evidence...
  11. Tend to not think about anything except what I'm doing. Get a kind of total focus thing going on where I'm just looking at where I'm going and concentrating on doing whatever it is I'm trying. The actual movement is natural, that is I don't think about how to do it, I just concentrate on doing it. I think.
  12. You only had it for a couple of weeks!! Silly boy...
  13. The spray, Luke, the spray! Gosh...
  14. Maaayyyybbbbeee... will see closer to the time. Think I may be somewhere near Switzerland around this time though...
  15. A couple of years back I went with a place called Action Outdoors and I would highly recommend taking a look. Basically it's a French company which was set up to supply their Olympic/competition team training throughout the season. They've now branched out to allow tourists to use the facilities and offer a completely inclusive package at really good prices. Included in our package which cost about £420 was a weeks accomodation which was 4 people to a room in bunks but all really clean and tidy. Two rooms (up to 8 people) sharing a bathroom/shower. You also get 3 all you can eat meals a day (really good food) together with snacks twice a day. The price also included board and boot use for the whole stay, lift passes for the whole valley in which we were in and 5 days of lessons given by really nice guys catering for all levels from absolute beginners to seasoned boarders. Finally, the price included a coach from London, and you could upgrade to a flight for an extra £50 or something. All in it was a wicked holiday and really well set out. If you use the lessons (which you don't have to), it's easy to switch between groups and you basically do what you want. Anyway, worth a look .
  16. I'm really quite tempted by a Lite Disc to replace my Monty Pr... How do you find the Echo on natural?
  17. Will be tuning in to Al Jazeera to check it out. Will you be on before or after the latest footage of Osama Bin Laden in his cave?
  18. Huh? Edit: For anyone who missed it (like me) it's on Channel 4's Free Catchup service.
  19. As far as the complete bikes are concerned they offer excellent value for money and are excellent bases to both learn on and upgrade in the future. Their components and 'Pro' models are also excellent quality and tend to be well thought out. It all depends what sort/size of bike you're after really and also how much you want to spend.
  20. Sweet pictures Mike, always love seeing your photos! Was also good to see you again yesterday, all the best dude.
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