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Everything posted by monkeyseemonkeydo

  1. Has he not dented the chainstays yet? Or snapped them for that matter?... I had two Revell mod frames, both dented badly at the bashguard mount on the chainstays the first time I rode them and the first one eventually snapped after being modded and rewelded at the factory. Me no likey (the mod that is). Edit: Thems a lot of stem stackers...
  2. Can I just apologise to Mr HEN bikes... I know all my posts have been kind of nit picky but I'm a bit of a perfectionist and like to understand things like the brake and have a bit of an eye for picking out minor issues in designs... Just think of it as a bit of constructive criticism to try and help.
  3. Just looking at this again... Can I suggest that you sort out the booster/clamp design so it actually sits on the frame? That looks like a problem waiting to happen to me...
  4. Monty. Had mine for 18 months and still going strong, although I'm about to replace them as the bike's now only used for comps and the edges have rounded off a bit too much for my liking. Still plenty of tread left though which would be perfectly ok on street and rocks.
  5. Did you get a puncture on that gap near the start? Thought I heard it go!
  6. It's my girlfriends mum's 50th and the whole family are going down to Dartmoor for the weekend. Been planned for ages so can't get out of it I'm afraid. A real shame because I love attending the DJ rides. Sorry peeps.
  7. Crap balls and booooooooooooo... Can't make the 7th Sorry peeps.
  8. Cheers for all the comments Unfortunately I managed to kill my Echo forged cranks today so it's time for a minor upgrade (thinking Trialtech may be the future...) and have also whacked on a 90x20deg Easton EA50 stem to see how it feels compared to the Simtra.
  9. Ok so for some reason I'd got it in my head that the demo was today (Sunday) not Saturday... otherwise I'd have probably popped along. Sorry guys!
  10. All these 'give 'em a smack' or 'just tell 'em to f**k off' responses to people asking daft questions doesn't do yourselves or the sport any good. Obviously sometimes such questions come from arsehole chav's trying to get a rise but half the time it's from just random Joe Public's who simply don't know what they're looking at. In which cases I always try and be polite and helpful and try and educate them a bit as to the way of trials. Just helps to stop people seeing us as mouthy little twats who are commiting a sort of social disorder via vandalism. The fact that '15 years later' falls off a wall if someone talks to you is something you need to deal with seperately... I often have conversations while doing silly things on my bike, even while 'concentrating' in the middle of a comp section.
  11. Probably best go see your doc... nasty things like Meningitis you really don't want!
  12. I'm actually quite diggin' Sams ^^ although I reckon the main Heatsink Bikes logo should be solid rather than semi transparent.
  13. I'm not even going to try make one as my photoshop skills are non existant but can I suggest that someone tries to incorporate some CAD style areas in the background? I think that would go quite well with what Steve does- you know the type, a cog like it's been drawn on a drawing board with centrlines and shizzle...
  14. Have just been on eBay to leave feedback and they've now stopped sellers leaving neutral or negative feedback for buyers. Now in theory that's kind of good because no one will be scared to leave negative for a seller because of fear of getting the same back in return. However, surely it now means that if someone only ever buys stuff they'll always have 100% positive feedback whether they pay immediately or fail to pay at all. I'd have thought that a better way of doing it would be to not show the other party the feedback left until both have completed the action, so there's no chance of silly 'tit for tat' rating. Anyway, any thoughts on the subject or is this a crap topic that no one really cares about?
  15. I'd say you need some kind of background picture for the centre section. That grey just looks a bit, well, grey. Even something like the Echo site splash page would be better than grey. Just my opinion
  16. Just a real stab in the dark here... but maybe the film 'Heat'...
  17. Just a shame about the red bits/ non matching hubs really
  18. Why the past tense? Surely advertising that a company 'were' the bollocks means they no longer are. You've clearly put a lot of effort into your attempt but I really don't see Steve going for it...
  19. Argh!! My eyes!! What the hell is it?!! Looks like one of those crazy fixie bikes you see chinese women riding in circles doing wheelies while doing handstands... Headset looks healthy though... and saddle angle looks a little questionable. Interesting...!
  20. Fantastic Jonny, really puts across the day and the riding. I know he alwasy has been but my Porter's a crazy ginger beast...
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