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Everything posted by monkeyseemonkeydo

  1. Awesome riding from Ali- that's one seriously crazy line! Good job! Oh, and mad skillz from Boon too...
  2. Oh Mark, Mark, Mark... Scarily enough I even Googled the Games-Workshop site to check that Warhammer wasn't something I was making up in the first place!!
  3. No chance! I was shocked and appauled by the price of the XTP when it first came out and will probably never pay more than £400 for a trials frame, at an absolute maximum. I got the 221Pr and upgraded it slightly and it's lasted me over 18 months and still going strong. Plus I could buy 4 Pr frames for the price of 1 Ti... it just doesn't seem worth it for how I ride and what I use the bike for. Again with the Kamel, I like the design but would never pay that much for a frame. Hopefully the 220 Kamel will come in at a more reasonable amount... we'll see.
  4. Totally agree. Saw a load 'cruising' along the A31 last year, holding up a massive queue of traffic while looking like complete twats in their anoraks. Sorry to those who like the 'mod' scene but it really is incredibly sad...like warhammer sad...
  5. Yeah, fair enough. What I'm getting at is that people will pay the money to have something which is reasonably well thought out, light and (most importantly) seen to be optimum machine for the job, probably because someone like Kenny Belaey, Vincent Hermance or whoever ride it. However, those with a bit more sense (like me!) buy the 221Pr which is under a kilo heavier than the Ti, yet has the same geometry and will (possibly has?) outlast any 221Ti... Which is why I'm waiting to find out when the 220 Kamel will be released and how much it will cost becuse f**k paying £950 for some aluminium tubing!
  6. See, without a violent bone in my body, I'd still want to punch whoever rides something like that: Just...why? Surely that can't look good or cool to anyone with a brain, plus it's entirely pointless and even makes it useless as a bike because you end up the width of a f**cking car!
  7. I just don't get scooters. Why would you volantarily choose to ride one of those when you could ride a motorbike? All the crap that people bolt on is just stupid too. Like the stock looking custom painted Vespas are fair enough (if you like that sort of thing) but what the hell is with all those dumbass mirrors? They actually make me a bit angry for their completely pointlessness. I'm obviously just a 'rocker' at heart and would just be laughing and pointing if a mod ever rode past on one of those heaps... Each to their own I guess.
  8. And you ride that in public... in Croydon?! Brave man...
  9. The 07 Ti's came without magura mounts (which this is). The 221Pr's had magura and disc mounts as stanrard though.
  10. Tell that to the few hundred riders in the UK who pay the premium to have the extra performance associated with the top of the range Monty 221Ti's. Or how about the Monty Kamel's which will cost £950 frame only, or the Koxx Boxx which retails for £999 frame only. People still pay it though because they know they're pretty much getting the best.
  11. I use two old crossovers (one for the slave with one fitting chopped off and one for the lever) and a big ol' syringe I got from a vets years ago. Total cost, about 50p!! Edit: Good man Quigley!
  12. Did that work?!! Plastic zip ties... Sketchy. As. Hell.
  13. Couple of minor changes to finish the bike off. Now have my TartyBikes stickers back on, along with the obligatory chainstay protector, Trialtech stickers. Also changed back to the Tioga Comp III on the front as I just don't get on with the 2.2 Dmr on there. New components are Trialtech cranks and BB, new Easton EA50 stem (painted white of course) 90mm x 20° and Adamant pads. Pads seem good but a bit on the loud side... I'm not used to that on this bike!! Anyway, comments welcome as always. Oh yeah, and an unseen mod is that the seatpost is now about 50mm long...
  14. Just put my new Trialtech cranks and BB on my Inspired and they seem really sweet and excellent value .
  15. You need to specify hub and rim dimensions- The diameter at which the spoke holes sit on the hub, the flange offset from the centreline of the hub, the effective rim diameter and spoke offset, if any. Probably best to ask Adam though True story: I've been riding trials for over 10 years, along with mountainbikes and BMXes, had numerous bikes, 20", 24" and 26" and have never bought spokes. Have only ever bought complete wheels/bikes and then reused spokes several times over when replacing components. Ah well.
  16. Google+"spoke calculator" = Spoke length calculator Or of course, give Adam at TartyBikes a shout on Tuesday and he'll probably be able to tell you straight off through his magical encyclopedic trials brain!
  17. Sounds like a really nice guy. So long as you're in the BNP or are a white supremacist.
  18. I reckon some black stickers would finish that off nicely . Brave colour choice but I reckon it looks good, although I bet it looks different in the flesh!
  19. "Those who risk nothing, do nothing, achieve nothing, become nothing." David Jeffries "Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning." Albert Einstein
  20. As has been said many times before... looked far better before and looks like you've gained absolutely nothing from the changes except probably adding a bit of weight and of course making it look a bit more, well, crap. Why anyone would spend £1600 on a brand new, top of the line bike and then change random bits of it I have no idea... oh actually, yes I do- it's a condition known as moremoneythansenseophilia. With regards the freewheel, I take it you didn't keep the lockring tight or something? If it just went I'd have thought that would be a warranty issue. Meh, it's your bike.
  21. Look here or find some pics of Vincent Hermance's Boxx...
  22. Yeah but you're american so we can just ignore anything you say. Oh yeah, and just put a booster on the brake and be done with it.
  23. I believe each unit is equivalent to about 4.0009152mm or 0.15751634645669291338582677165354". Or 0.40009152cm.
  24. Dude, you're the one who brought up the fact you 'play', knowing what the stereotype is and even playing on it so don't come back and shoot your mouth off when someone follows it up. That's pretty stupid. Anyway, I'm fully behind making centimetre's illegal... One of our group members in my final year project of my MEng used to quote things in cm's and was the joke of the department! However, we managed to give him a bit of a mental breakdown during that year and he never finished as far as we know serves him right for using centimetres.
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