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Everything posted by monkeyseemonkeydo

  1. Also, those new Deng cylinders look remarkably like standard Magura ones that have been polished...
  2. Lol at finding the shortest kid around to stand next to the wall .
  3. But the reason race cars/bikes use slicks is because on a dry, very smooth circuit they will provide maximum grip since more rubber is in contact with the track. Drag is not really an issue as the increase in mechanical grip far outweighs any aero advantage. On anything but smooth concrete a slick on a trials bike doesn't seem like too good an idea! Particularly on natural. However, having said that, I've seen how Stan and Ali were riding with the front Try-All with all the knobbles cut off and again with Vincent's one so there's obviously more to it than meets the eye... Bike looks seriously sweet Stan! Some interesting mods going on there...
  4. Hmm... Maybe because he's an ex world champion who's been on GasGas for years and is regularly doing promotional work for the company? A bank...
  5. See that's the problem though. How can bouncing around on a pushbike be deep? As I said, he thinks to much. It's Maggie. No one calls her Margaret .
  6. Click me. Lines the rim (between the rim itself and your inner tube) to stop the spokes and rough bits of rim piercing the tube. Like this:
  7. I recently enquired about doing a 24" bunny hop record but they don't specify wheel size, it's just 'bicycle bunny hop'.
  8. Why not just buy some new brake pads that were designed to be... brake pads?
  9. Not necessarily wrong... it's preference at the end of the day but if your brake's half decent there's no reason you should need to use two fingers on the brake and having the remainder on the bars will allow you to put more effort into lifting the bike and in theory allow you to ride better. I only ever use two fingers in comps when I'm getting cramp or something in my normal braking (index) finger.
  10. The accent itself sounds quite like the standard American one but they have a kind of 'twang' that makes them stick out. Especially more out in the countryside rather than in Toronto etc. They also use quite different ways of using pitch and do say 'eh' a lot making lots of statements sound like questions. And yeah, I don't think Ryan Leech is a penis... he's a bit weird and thinks too much I reckon. Quite innovative when it comes to riding though.
  11. 1. You're a full member. You've been a full member for quite a while. This is New Members Chat. 2. This topic has been covered many times over the years. Search. 3. Look at any of the pics in the riding pics thread and you'll see that 99.99999% of people use one finger on their brakes. The other 0.00001% Are doing it wrong.
  12. Going over a bar is defintely more difficult- Because you have to get the distance to clear the bar laterally.
  13. All the records on the Monty site aren't really 'official' though, only recognised by the BIU I think. As far as Guiness records are concerned, they don't differentiate between wheel sizes, it's simply 'Highest bicycle bunny hop' (which officially was set by Dani Comas (Spain) when he cleared a bar at a height of 1.21 m on the set of Tous Les Records in Port Leucate, France on 23 July 2004). There's also a sidehop record which Martyn Ashton held for a while but I take it someone on a mod's smashed that a few years ago.
  14. Oh look... Posted 2 days ago...
  15. Front tyre's a classic! All my bikes from when I was about 3 to when I started trials at 15 had those or copies of those! Also really light and surprisingly good. Think John Shrewsbury uses one on the front too... Already available . Arrived in the country last Wednesday I think and are available through TartyBikes among others .
  16. I never use any form of LBS for anything. Ever. With about £20 of bike specific tools you can do absolutely anything, and you won't be wallet raped everytime something goes wrong. But yeah, follow the instructions in here (except 15 years later (sorry 15YL)) and you're laughing .
  17. I've even treated myself to some new tyres for the first time in 18 months! Woo!
  18. Ah, but it's better to combine the both... Be respected for your riding and ride a pimp ass steed .
  19. Not true (click me). I expect TartyBikes would be able to get hold of one of these for you if you ask nicely .
  20. How did they get Mr Tumnus to pose for that image on the front page? Agree with Tomm that there needs to be more segregation/better differentiation between the 20" and 26" stuff.
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