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Everything posted by monkeyseemonkeydo

  1. Only if you have a cashcard. ISA - cashcard = Win
  2. Shame they're so damn heavy Magnesium Trialtech's all the way
  3. Nah... if it ain't pivotal it ain't pimpin'
  4. I tried my best! Even put the big TB sticker on the downtube and used the bigger Inspired stickers specially for the shoot Yes, I'm sad.
  5. I'm still embarrassed for Nick and his blue cranks...
  6. Yeah, but if the figures are correct that we use 13 billion bags a year, I bet there are a surprising number of industries and associated people who will be adversely effected by everyone going anti-bag. Just pointing out that there's always another side to all this 'green' propaganda.
  7. 13T? Go back to a 12T and save another few grams!
  8. I feel really sorry for the people who make carrier bags... Think of the children. Won't somebody please think of the children?
  9. You just need to read the number off the shield of the current bearing... To quote TartyBikes: "To check if this will fit your hub, simply check the bearing code. If it is 6000 then this will fit perfectly!"
  10. Sweet, cheers for uploading _CRED_ I really need to sort out my face when doing x-ups... doesn't happen when I do any other moves (I don't think)...
  11. Hmm... I can't really comment because I haven't read it for years due to it being a bit pants when I stopped reading it. It's certainly gone through its pants phases with some truely pointless articles but with a bit of luck things may be changing for the better soon... (sorry).
  12. I'm running Control forks on my Inspired with a 15mm stacker, 90mm x 20° EA50 stem and Hi-rise EA30 bars which takes the bar height to 38" from the ground to the centre of the grips. Feels really nice for everything from big bunny's to sidehops and gaps etc.
  13. I reckon a slammed pivotal seat/post is the way forward. The Inspired combo isn't going to be available for over a month I believe so might be worth just sticking in a plastic mini until then...
  14. *Awaits the wrath of Coxx*
  15. I'd advise against using a screwdriver. Screwdrivers are hardened steel which means that it's going to totally muller the soft alloy headset cups. I use a cut off seatpost stuffed through the headtube (spreads the load a bit and is also equally soft alloy) or a random alloy rod I picked up somewhere. Also just hitting it with a hammer and moving it round. Once it starts to move, you'll be able to see the cup move slightly at the edge you've hit, so then you hit the opposite side to level it up and continue until it comes flying out . Good luck!
  16. I'm still in shock that Sam subscribes to MBUK!!
  17. Yeah I know. I haven't bought an issue for around 6 or 7 years although mainly because of the pants they used to put in it, however when you're in it it's a bit different! Also, the photographer reckoned that the mag's been taken over by a new editor dude so there may be slightly less of the rubbish that used to get in. Maybe. Yeah I know... but I'm an impatient sod.
  18. Sweeeet. Will try and contain myself
  19. Oops, my bad- missed that. Anyway, still open to scans if anyone's feeling kind! And of course, everyone should buy the relevant mag when it appears in shops
  20. Did Kot ever do a mod frame? I've always liked the look of the frames and it's DD too...
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