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Everything posted by monkeyseemonkeydo

  1. Good point Smo. Dog worming tablet anyone? Anyone?
  2. Never have, never will. To me the use of any kind of recreational drugs is just a sign that the person is a bit of a loser who needs to poison themselves in order to have fun. With regards the water drinking thing, does 'e' not make you feel uber thirsty and a lot of people get hospitalised because they drink too much and their liver packs in? Or is that an urban myth?
  3. Who was Faryl?... Wasn't paying that much attention.
  4. wtf? Random doesn't even come close!
  5. Or not...? Sweet pics, riding looks pretty big- good job .
  6. Nah, not really. I genuinely liked what they were doing and the whole classical/rock Vanessa Mae thing was cool. Certainly preferred what they were doing to the Billy Elliotalike. Agreed.
  7. I thought it looked like he was having a fit... I liked Paul Potts last year and thought those electric orchestra girls were pretty good but the kid who won was just... meh.
  8. No but it's an option isn't it?! And it's what I'd do...
  9. It's in reverse He's doing a rolling endo-180 drop off type thing but they've played the clip in reverse then played it again forwards. I was a bit disappointed by his proper trials ability... There are a few steps that I thought he'd piss up but he goes to sump guard and makes a right hash of. Still quite cool riding though. Shame about the music!!
  10. Reinstall XP because Vista's kind of poo?
  11. Only if you have a cashcard. ISA - cashcard = Win
  12. Shame they're so damn heavy Magnesium Trialtech's all the way
  13. Nah... if it ain't pivotal it ain't pimpin'
  14. I tried my best! Even put the big TB sticker on the downtube and used the bigger Inspired stickers specially for the shoot Yes, I'm sad.
  15. I'm still embarrassed for Nick and his blue cranks...
  16. Yeah, but if the figures are correct that we use 13 billion bags a year, I bet there are a surprising number of industries and associated people who will be adversely effected by everyone going anti-bag. Just pointing out that there's always another side to all this 'green' propaganda.
  17. 13T? Go back to a 12T and save another few grams!
  18. I feel really sorry for the people who make carrier bags... Think of the children. Won't somebody please think of the children?
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