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Everything posted by monkeyseemonkeydo

  1. Have you read some of the comments for that vid?!!
  2. Yes it was his error but McLaren should've been on the radio when he was in his box telling him that the pack were coming round and that he'd more than likely have to stop at the end of the pit lane to allow the procession to pass... But yeah, bit of a numpty moment from Lewis!
  3. I was just going on colour Plus the fact Joe's sponsored by Trialtech...
  4. Trialtech mag pedals in green... for the win
  5. Whoa... That comment wasn't aimed at anyone in particular and if anything, after the trouble of last year, it's Fred and Barbara's series that has been doing everything right and the official BIU series (i.e. 'those in leading roles') that needs to play catch up a bit. The comment comes on the back of the previous two Hampshire rounds which had the lowest attendance I've ever seen. I was discussing that with Terry and thought that part of the reason for that was all the trouble last year- kids who might've considered doing some comps just not bothering because of all the politics that can (and has) come into it. Instead they're going out and sidehopping walls... I stand by what I said as trials is such a small sport that there isn't room for the continuing in-fighting and separate series'. But is there a limit to the size of the team? There are certain riders, like Ali (along with Andrei, Danny Butler, Ben Savage/Slinger, Porter etc etc), who I wouldn't think need to prove themselves in 'qualifiers'... Everyone knows they're of World standard already... As you say though, I'm removed from this process because I've never (and never will) take trials seriously enough to go that far. It's always been a hobby to me rather than a sport and I ride purely for fun. Anyway, sorry if anyone took offence at my comments, they weren't meant to point fingers or make anyone quit the sport, just point out that the qualification process seems quite flawed and unfair to people who everyone knows are World class.
  6. You suck. I nearly lol'd. Nearly. At least post a trials vid.
  7. I've still got one of these in the garage- really liked it. Have now moved onto a 90 x 15 degree Easton. Both work really well on the bike. That's run with 15mm stackers and 2" rise EA30 bars.
  8. Just a minute... you've had the bike since the 8th of April and you've only just taken it out? What's wrong with you?!!
  9. What's going on there? Looks like there's a sleeve that's welded to the headtube and the downtube then slides over it to add stiffness to the join? That's not actually a question is it?!
  10. Good stuff! You're so lucky having that stuff to play on at your house... I really miss the stuff I have in Scotland Liking the gap-log-gap to front's
  11. Really disappointed I can't make this... was going to go and then they changed the damn date!! Grr. Hope to see some good pics .
  12. To be honest that is just BS. The British trials competition scene (beyond the club scene of course) seems to be (still) completely on its arse and needs a massive effort from those in leading roles to get things back on track. I really feel for you Ali as you clearly put a lot of effort into progressing your riding and are clearly one of the best riders the UK have. Obviously congratulations to those who have made the team but the selection process is apparently quite seriously flawed.
  13. Should I ask how it was worked out?... Seems like a very small squad to field when we have such a lot of real talent.
  14. Not another one?! Looks good fella! How does the rear King BMX hub work in the 135mm frame?
  15. No, seriously. How the hell do they do that?!
  16. Flamer. Indeed. Can I ask why the extra 'i' in your name? Just curious .
  17. If it was me (and I did this to my old GT Backwoods frame back in the day) I'd leave at least some of the weld since the seat tube piercing the top tube will be adding some added rigidity to the frame and taking the tube all the way to the join may cause problems.
  18. Boo! What happened to lose the Portland venue? I was really looking forward to that.
  19. You seem to be missing the idea that a loud brake does not have to go hand in hand with a working brake. When you use the booster, does the brake work well. Not 'is it loud' or 'does it wake up your neighbours' but does it work? Because unless you're doing something very wrong (like a badly set up brake or whatever) your setup should be really strong.
  20. The point was that he was giving advice about typing correctly and using grammar while completely ignoring it himself. Or maybe that was deliberate and I missed the irony of it all? I wonder...
  21. Dude, the point Nick's making is that if you just take a bit of effort to make your posts easier to read (and stop being so arsey) you'll get a far better response by everyone. You're the one who signed your post off with 'timmeee' and that quote (which was aimed at Gu-triials (interesting spelling of trials by the way), not you) was just an observation that you both live in the same place as each other and apparently, judging by your posts, have equally poor literacy skills. And that's not meant to be a dig at either of you- as I said in my first post, I'd like to shoot your English teacher. Anyway, send the brake to Hope and be done with it.
  22. Do you mean pretty much everyone on the forum or pretty much everyone in trials back in the late 70's/80's? If it's the latter then I think you'll find that the first biketrials bikes were 20" wheel jobbies made for Ot Pi...
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