As for the brake side, quite a lot of BMXers, particularly racers I think, only run a rear brake and for whatever reason tend to run the lever on the right.
They used to be (only?) available from but I can't see them on the site any more. To be fair I have trouble finding anything on the trialsin site since it's changed hands!! Sort them out Tim!
Who is that annoying arse shouting at me through my computer (the commentator)? It's not Rob Warner is it? Good job for Gee though looked like he was on fire!
Yeah- think that was just after I got rid of the Zoo Python to go back to 26". That Zero's the one that did John O' Groats to Lands end before relpacing it with the Onza T-Rex Woodstock spec.
And there's no need for them to be together either. At comps I sometimes end up using two fingers on the brakes to reduce armpump/cramp so wearing 'mittens' would be bad... Although I'm all for trials gloves having a little thread to pass up through the sleeves of your t/jacket attaching the pair together...
Cheers for that. I was under the impression that the '07's were the new ones which were replacing what I now know to be the '08's... don't remember seeing any 07's before . My bad.
Off topic but I'm really confused by the Dob naming/years... Surely Adam's bike was an 06/07 one, not an 08? And there's an 07 one in the pics thread that looks like an 08 one and and and then there's the 08 Pro frames in there too... yeah. Someone explain it to me please?! Pictures would be good