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Everything posted by monkeyseemonkeydo

  1. That would be Lord March I'd imagine.
  2. Sweeeet. I likes! Very stealthy (except the bars of course!).
  3. Yeah- think that was just after I got rid of the Zoo Python to go back to 26". That Zero's the one that did John O' Groats to Lands end before relpacing it with the Onza T-Rex Woodstock spec.
  4. Lol, nah that doesn't count as old school!! What was that? 2002/03? Didn't have it long either...
  5. Weather looks a bit pants but if it looks more promising I may well be there with Nath Coward.
  6. And there's no need for them to be together either. At comps I sometimes end up using two fingers on the brakes to reduce armpump/cramp so wearing 'mittens' would be bad... Although I'm all for trials gloves having a little thread to pass up through the sleeves of your t/jacket attaching the pair together...
  7. Where's sorebums?... He's a gentleman of mildly advanced years... I'm 26 but there are definitely older, grumpier sods on here.
  8. Look interesting, though I agree with Muel that they are really short. And I ride a Monty Pr.
  9. Cheers for that. I was under the impression that the '07's were the new ones which were replacing what I now know to be the '08's... don't remember seeing any 07's before . My bad.
  10. Off topic but I'm really confused by the Dob naming/years... Surely Adam's bike was an 06/07 one, not an 08? And there's an 07 one in the pics thread that looks like an 08 one and and and then there's the 08 Pro frames in there too... yeah. Someone explain it to me please?! Pictures would be good
  11. So where is it? Firefox.com's only offering me or something which is what I'm running now...
  12. Who's more than likely inwardly (possibly outwardly) laughing at all the stupid looking guys in Lycra skin suits.
  13. Excellent use of the smilie . Also the use of 'made me laugh out loud my pants'. As Brick Tamlin would say, "I would like to extend to you an invitation to the pants party.".
  14. And in a male dominated sport that's a good thing why?
  15. I'm literally on the edge of my seat in anticipation. Oh wait, no I'm not. Ah well. Expect I'll download it tomorrow when I get bored anyway.
  16. You're just adding letters that aren't even there now!!
  17. Agreed- don't pronounce the e, so it's just shwalb I'd say.
  18. Good luck with that! Are you back for your final year of medicine after the Summer?
  19. 8 Standard Grades. 5 Highers. 3 Sixth Year Studies. (I'm from Scotland...) Unintended gap year (supid uni didn't understand the Scottish system). MEng Aerospace Engineering at Southampton Uni. 3rd year doing an Engineering Doctorate again in Southampton. 26 and still riding silly little bikes :$.
  20. Click me. I have a credit card but use it only for internet purchases (you then have some comeback if something doesn't turn up, which I don't think you do with a debit card). Also quite good to have as a backup if you go abroad. I also make sure I clear it off at the end of every month so I never really use the 'credit' facility properly. Best way to play it I reckon.
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