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Everything posted by monkeyseemonkeydo

  1. Hey guys, stem has only changed once... started as a 115mm Simtra and is now a 90mm Easton EA50. Tyre is indeed a 2.4" DMR Moto RT and I'm getting on really well with it. Did have the 2.2" on the rear for a while but got a few punctures and decided the larger air volume of the bigger tyre would be a good idea. Seems to have worked and I'm not planning changing it anytime soon. Oh yeah, and I can't help bunnyhopping the Inspired... it just begs for it! Plus I can get higher to backwheel with a hop than a pedal up!
  2. You have to be a Vimeo member to download don't you (only takes 30secs to do)?
  3. Nah, Onza aren't that smart or persuasive enough. I still maintain that political power is at the heart of la revolution...
  4. I thought it was a new political party... is it not?
  5. Not sure who else is going but me and Dan Jones will be there Saturday and I'm pretty sure Sunday too. Hopefully the weather's a bit better than last year!
  6. Fackinell. I was only reading last week about all the SM's chipping in to fly him over for a get together. That's such sad, sad news. Never got to ride with him but he always had such a wicked sense of humour on here. Thoughts are with his friends and family.
  7. Think you'll have to ask Andy nicely. I tried compressing it down in movie maker but it turns it into 4:3 for some stupid reason which means it looks stoopid...
  8. Ah but were you bunnyhopping clear over the bench and wall at the bottom first (and Stuie's bike in that first clip!)?!
  9. Been riding trials for over 10 years... yes I'm old!! Yeah, I'm slightly worried about the Pleg- it's also wearing down insanely fast. However, I spent this morning turning up a burly 10mm stainless axle for my Echo hub and am thinking of getting a cromo Odyssey Jpeg Light tomorrow to see how that goes.
  10. Afraid the download file is 108Mb which means it's too big for trials tube. Also, I think Andy's keen to keep quality as he spent a lot of money on the new camera... All I can suggest is that you upgrade your browser so you can see it on Vimeo. Not that that's much help. Cheers to Andy for putting the video together, I'm going through a bit of an experimental stage on the bike- basically deciding that I'm not going to buy a BMX but I might as well start trying to mix up some shit BMX moves into my riding and trying out the peg thing etc. Anyway, comments welcome as usual .
  11. Where did these threads end up?
  12. Onzaboymonkeyseemonkeydo didn't quite have the same ring about it...
  13. Yeah, there was one long M6 or M8 bolt going all the way through the hub and bolting the peg on the non drive side. Not sure that's a fool proof way of doing it but I'm currently going to be running an Unbrako , longer than standard M6 going into my Echo hub with a top hat washer to reduce the peg hole down from 3/8" to 6mm. Think it may be asking for trouble though!
  14. Time for a MEGABUMP! Just wondering how you got on with the pegs in the end? I've just bought a G-Sport Pleg and have stuck it on the Inspired but am kinda dubious as to whether it's going to snap something expensive and whether I should cut it down before even attempting anything...
  15. How do you know he didn't?
  16. Yeah, for Friday rides I'm afraid.
  17. Does for me... I agree about the Sam Hill comments though- he was on track to beat Peat by over 5 seconds. That's a HUGE margin and shows that he was clearly far faster than both Gee or Peat. He could probably have sat down and cruised from before he crashed and still won and as Rowan says, the fact he still only lost out to Peat by 0.5s even with a fall just proves it. Ok so to finish first first you must finish but he's clearly stupid fast. And he runs flat pedals- good man!
  18. When I use the scrolly thing to look through the products in the category (for example after selecting products>pro series) if I try and scroll to the right the pictures start 'humping' the edge of the box which seems to happen for all of those scroll boxy things. Nothing seems to have changed since the site was first posted by Boon though... Have you sacked SQegg?!
  19. I don't know for sure, but since the video's called 'Zack Gerber day edit', and also the black screen at the start with Zack Gerber on it, I'd hazard a guess that he's a guy called John Daniels.
  20. Even though the title of this topic includes the words 'frontflip drtopoffs' and the link is entitled 'last trick'?... Still can't see the wires or mirrors though.
  21. 2nd hand chains? Are you mental?!! That's just a no-brainer though .
  22. How come? I swear by Kool's on all my bikes and have never snapped one (though I do change them every 6 months or so) or had any problems at all with them. Seem cheap and reliable to me but then it has to be said that I tend not to grind my trials bikes that much...
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