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Everything posted by monkeyseemonkeydo

  1. Posted in the link in this thread a few days ago. They are good though.
  2. Hmm... there are a few points I could make on the lever/blade CAD which don't seem to make sense design-wise... Even those headsets HEN make that use a protruding caphead bolt instead of a nice countersunk one. Just points to someone without much design sense. Hoping to be proven wrong when the brake's released though.
  3. Really not convinced this guy knows what he's doing...
  4. I think the main issue is not really with the riding itself (although, it does seem to have gone from TGS to just S...), it's a few things: 1) The concept held by many self proclaimed TGS riders that what they do is trials. As has been said, what you do is a small element of what trials should be. And I'm not talking linked street lines, spinny stuff or whatever. Trials at it's base is fannying round in the woods riding sections. In my eyes, trials street riding is a form of that which is far more accessible for people who don't live near any good natural. Street trials should always be, to some extent, the act of riding a kind of urban section. Simply sidehopping different sized walls all day long is not trials- it's practising a single move related to trials. Now before that arse Mike Winton comes in let me say that if that's what you enjoy doing, fair enough, but don't expect proper trials riders to accept it as a genre of riding because it really isn't. And secondly, I don't think of CLS, Damon, Tunni (edit: I'm gonna throw in Ben Travis there so he feels happy!!)etc as TGS riders since they ride interesting, novel lines and find new ways of riding obstacles. 2) It's the measuring of sidehops for 'fun'. I cringe whenever I see someone on a ride take out a tape measure. That's some sad shit right there. 3) And I guess also the 'sidehop scene', the cringeworthy 'tuckage thread' being the embodyment of what's wrong with the new school S riders. If I see one more picture of Danny Swindlehursts arse I'm gonna scream. Finally, let me just say that I've been riding for over 10 years now. In some peoples eye's I should've given up years ago to give the S riders a chance to shine. However, I can still happily sidehop any trials bike around the 48" mark without tucking, backwheel 50" or so without a tap, but also, and here's the thing, hold my own at national level competitions and have a good stab at spinny 'circus bike' street riding, as some tossers like to put it. I'm a TGS rider, a circus freak and comp nerd all at once... but I enjoy all types of riding and don't get hung up on the latest s!d.
  5. Particularly when it's difficult to tell whether you mean it in the vomitous sense or in the skater 'siiiiccckkk' sense.
  6. Good plan . Although the guard itself has already been cracked and repaired with a bit of ally riveted to the guard. But yeah, have the feeling the bike's going to end up upside down a few times so zip ties are definitely a good idea .
  7. You, sir, are a f**ktard. That is all.
  8. Cheers m'dears. The shirt only comes out on special occasions and I'm virtually blind... so short sighted you wouldn't believe. I think the 'H' on the forehead just finishes off the look nicely.
  9. My point at the start of the thread though was that if all you do is increase the size of the slave pistons, while still using a standard maggy lever, the pads would physically move a smaller distance for a given lever pull than when using normal maggy slaves. That would mean you'd get more powerful braking when the pads touch the rim but to get them to touch in the first place you'd have to run the pads really close to the rim itself and end up being screwed with a slight buckle. And yeah, as Adam(s?) says, air is just a fluid and so pneumatics must act in exactly the same way (in a closed system) as oil/water/whatever since they are both effectively incompressible under normal atmospheric conditions. (exhales sharply through nose)
  10. It's called heel clearance . It's an X-Hydra circa 2001 or so. I had one for a good few years, my first mod, and loved it. Kind of old school now but still fun to ride . That's mine in my 'Personal Photo' in my profile. I cut the seat tube off of mine to make it look more like an X-Lite .
  11. Maybe Ben/Fred are pissed because they just made a £20 loss on those troos... hence the 'buy it now' on them now! Although, to be perfectly honest, shame on you for buying them in the first place!
  12. Post on OTN. Along with some random abuse and swearing they might be able to help...
  13. Except for the fact that if it were to happen to you, you could probably make thousands from newspapers/visitors wanting to see it... Cha ching!
  14. From what I remember, Tim's setup was a) really quirky for a trials bike and b ) seriously sketchy!! Edit: and stop calling it a glz!!
  15. Reckon you'd end up with one pretty crap riding bike rather than two good ones... It'd never work well I don't think.
  16. If you get any colour or CK shell (silver would make sense) I'm sure you'd be able to get it anodized purple for about £15-£20... You could even do a batch of a load of your parts to make them all matching... You could even get a matching handbag I imagine! What are you on about El Muelio? 950 is referring to the price of the frame, not the wheelbase... Am I missing the sarcasm?!
  17. If I was any good with photoshop I'd do an 'attack of the clones' poster with pics of Danny instead of the robot things... Also would like to begin the motion to permaban RossyC if this actually turns out not to be a joke.
  18. Ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha. For f**ks sake. This is exactly what's wrong with trials today. God damn kids and their s ids... I really really hope this is a 'joke' gone wrong... 'cos if not you may well be my least favourite person in the world today... and with George Bush and Jade Goody out there that's saying something.
  19. Few people meeting at Moors Valley near Ferndown on Thursday evening, around 5.30-6.00 ish. Rob Brodie, Rudi, Dan Jones and myself so far I think...
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