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Everything posted by monkeyseemonkeydo

  1. He just needs to believe in Gordon.
  2. I saw a pic of Raga on the GasGas from an indoor round this year and had to look twice because the frame looks like it's jumped out of 1968... Give me a nice aluminium frame anyday . And to Matt: Xispa 250R.
  3. Trials-Forum Video -> Full View • Download • Upload
  4. Uh huh... Just what I was thinking, Ben. I'll just have to take your word for it .
  5. That's the point though, it's not impossible, just highly improbable that those things occur. When you get into Quantum Mechanics, even scratching the surface, what the logical human brain thinks it knows is simply thrown out the window.
  6. So while we're on the topic of bike brands... Xispa. What are people's opinions? Ok so maybe it is a cheap copy of a Sherco... but that sounds like a good thing to me!!
  7. Yeah yeah, yours is 10 years newer than mine. Whatever.
  8. Why aren't you loving the H2O? I've been running Maguras on it for years and doubt I'd run anything else.
  9. iTunes being crap and restrictive? Are you sure? Let me just check what I use to convert my CD's to MP3... oh, that's right it's Windows Media Player. Apple. Suck. Except iPods themselves... kinda cool little things.
  10. Cosmic spectrum. Looks pretty beige to me. Oh yeah, and for those who doubt, you can get a T-Shirt of the following from Mythbusters so it must be right.
  11. Oh god. Jet/propellor driven airplane. Engines create thrust without relying on friction between the ground and tyres. Plane will accelerate pretty much as if it were on tarmac, though it's wheels will be spinning faster than in the tarmac case. Conveyor is effectively irrelevant. Plane takes off. Pilot wonders what all the fuss was about. Plane on conveyor... Done.
  12. I've always thought he comes across as a really nice, humble kind of guy. Think it's down to English not being his first language so the way things come out to us isn't necessarily always the way he means it in his head. Although saying that his English is probably better than 70% of the kids on this forum...
  13. Did the 20" and 26" elite riders ride the same sections? Those are some pretty crazy results if so: Gilles total 6, Benito total 27. Well done to Rick Koekoek for his podium though musta been one hell of a tough comp for him to only get through 2/10 sections!
  14. Only one currently available is Trial Magazine, which is 95% mototrials with a couple of reviews and articles on biketrials each month. Wouldn't say it's really worth getting unless you're also interested in the moto side of the sport as well.
  15. That works in Magura HS33 rim brakes but won't work on discs.
  16. No. An HS33 lever has a 14mm piston. A Louise lever uses something like a 12mm piston at the lever. Therefore if you were to use an HS33 lever on a Louise caliper you'd end up with a really spongy, crap feeling brake.
  17. It would probably fit but the piston sizes are all wrong so it would be pretty much unusable. As for a water bleed, water in discs is a big no-no. Discs get far hotter than rim brakes and so you'd basically end up boiling the water.
  18. Read the comments at the bottom of the BBC link and you can prove that the Earth is categorically not a 'disc', it has to be some form of spheroid. Therefore your theory falls apart. Otherwise Australian's would effectively be able to jump twice as high as someone in the Northern Hemisphere due to the effect of your upward motion... The real 'flat earthists' must be taking the piss, surely. Nobody's that ignorant/stupid.
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