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Everything posted by monkeyseemonkeydo

  1. f**k me man, you've got issues. Just go out and ride your bike, yeah? Maybe even try and learn some trials moves to mix in with your streety stuff... trials is actually quite fun you know, and making it flow seamlessly from what you already do would make an interesting style. Just please shut up about being hardcore, it's really sad.
  2. To be fair though, 70% of the pictures in this thread seem to be of Fatty anyway...
  3. But that's where the problem lies- top tgs riders tuck to allow them to get up that extra few inches to make a 55" sidehop but 'newb's' do tuck as well because they see pics of people doing it and think that's the standard technique for any size wall.
  4. line: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Oops, we've just crossed it.
  5. Well I mean badgers are thought to carry TB... you really don't want that shit now do you?
  6. I'm impressed... you kept your promise!
  7. Depends how many animals were involved I guess.
  8. May I be the first to say... Hard. Core. And also that the youtube link doesn't work unless we're you. But mainly... Hard. Core.
  9. Click me. and of course the old classic serious message enclosed.
  10. Mine just comes up with where my ISP is based. So says London, with the IP belonging to F2S...
  11. Aww, that makes it less interesting.
  12. So is she worried about him knowing where she lives or are you trying to find out where he lives?
  13. Indeed. Ash, we need some details such as which drug cartel you've been involved with who may now have your IP...
  14. In keeping with current picture trends: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!
  15. See, I don't actually believe that's you because you're not pointing...
  16. Photoshop for the win... Smooth.
  17. That's good... right? Yeah, 98 250, picked it up on eBay for £600 and quite pleased with it really! Hmm... yeah... not so much when I'm riding it!! Yet...
  18. 121's were well before 521's... Old skool baby!
  19. To quote OTN users: Redneck: "I still don't get what the ID number's for." Codeman: "It just makes international identity theft easier."
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