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Everything posted by monkeyseemonkeydo

  1. I think it was a completely valid question. You say 'the black bit' and post a link to a tensioner which is entirely black except for one bolt. If you explained which 'black bit' you're talking about maybe I could help instead of getting all defensive for no reason. So lets try again. Which black bit do you mean? If you mean the small loose black bit which is to use the tensioner with a quick release skewer you might be able to bodge it on with a standard QR end and some washers.
  2. What do you mean by the black bit? The whole thing's black!
  3. The courses you want to do are very heavy on maths and as such I don't think you'll be able to get straight onto any of them with vocational qualifications. However, as Ben says, a lot of Universities do 'foundation years' which give you the required footing in maths/physics etc to then go on to do the actual degree.
  4. Now... Hands up who wants a mototrials bike now?!
  5. Woo, an XC course. Yay. Anyone else planning to go on holiday for a month when the games are actually happening? I can't think of a worse place to hold the Olympics than where you live...
  6. Veerrryyy nice build . Good job.
  7. Stewie and iamwellcool also reported requesting a permaban and IP check.
  8. That back end ain't standard... is it?! Back end should look like this:
  9. IP check anyone? I smell a rat... If not, welcome to the forum!
  10. Koxx Wasp £975. People who already ride mototrials themselves and want an introduction for their kids already have disposable income and will want the best for their kids. That's like someone on the street asking why you'd pay £500 or £1500 on a bike that you're going to repeatedly smash into a wall/rock...
  11. What. The. (Holy). Hell. Are. You. Talking. About?
  12. This topic deserves a lobster dog. I have no idea what the original question is even getting at... Stop anyone from becoming a New Member? What would that ever achieve?
  13. I remember some guy in one of my lectures showing me his when they must've been fairly new out... I didn't have a bloody clue what the thing was!! I kinda looked at it for a bit and handed it back to him pretending to be all impressed. I'm so cool.
  14. That's new to me... I've always just used the ol' Ctrl X or C/Ctrl V... Gah Macs make me angry!! Stupid, stupid things.
  15. Some of the points get you thinking... then they make a whole section trying to pass off a fluttering piece of paper as a laser trajectory point and ruin the whole thing. Some strange questions arise from the whole thing and I'm sure we weren't told anywhere near the truth but Loose Change really don't do themselves any favours by pushing crap ideas.
  16. Try All with half the knobbles cut off.
  17. To be fair I thought the entire sound track to both Cassette and No Front Teeth was a bit cack... Etnies Forward soundtrack all the way!
  18. The guys a legend... anyone from the UK who knows anything about BMX knows who Phil Dolan is. Get over it.
  19. I'm confused now... are you being sarcastic or not?!! The point Simon was making is that most people would just've said 'my old BMX mate Phil' or even 'my old mate Phil Dolan' which people in the know would understand straight away, instead you say 'multi time world champion and god among mere mortals Phiiiiiiillllll Doooooollllaaaaaaannnn!!!' Or something along those lines which just makes you sound like a boxing referee.
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