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Everything posted by monkeyseemonkeydo

  1. Hey dude, there's no set time for becoming a full member- you basically just need to post well constructed, useful posts preferably with correct spelling and grammar and one of the mods will notice you and promote you to the main forum. Some people are only pre members for a few days!

  2. Which ends the second you become an SM!!
  3. Yeah, it's called bicycular perservation and I seem to be a master! My Monty's been used in comps for the past 2 years and still doesn't have any big dents or major marks to any part of the frame or components because I look after my bike. A lot of people don't seem to work like that though...
  4. On the topic of the forum, and in fact the UK trials scene, going to the dogs (quote from me from elsewhere on the forum): Most of the arguments I've come across seem to stem from a limited few members who can't help but stir things up for no good reason.
  5. So you put the rotor on with the sole intention of trying to hit it? Of course you'll be able to damage it if you're deliberately trying to see if you can hit it. I've run dual discs for a total of about... 4 years probably and have only caught the rotor about 3 times, none of which caused any lasting damage to them. And I sidehop to the left. And I ride comps. So yeah, it's isn't a problem in the slightest.
  6. I know, I know. It's hard being this funny you know. Oh, wait, I wasn't even trying to be remotely humorous. I really must be funny.
  7. You, sir, are a dick. This thread's really going somewhere now. In.
  8. No idea. Dave should be able to tell you! Although I haven't heard many good things about any half link chains... But anyway- 18/15 will be too spinny. Look at the gearinches: Stock: 18/15 gives 31.2 gearinches (or whatever the hell it's called) 24": 18/15 gives 28.8. Spinny. 18/14 will give you 30.86 which is about right and 18/13 gives 33.23 which is stiff but if you want a more BMXey/streety build is a good bet. I can still sidehop my bike nicely and backwheel high but can also get up a bit of speed when needed.
  9. Music = . 'Yeeesssss Daaannnnyyyy' (especially when said after not getting near a dropgap) = . Throwing bike = . Meh.
  10. You type like Danny Kearns When he's Angry. Anyway, I think we should start a petition to get fancy hydroformed tubes on the Limey 20". Plain tubes are soooo 2007.
  11. You'll probably find the 15T far too spinny for streety type riding Mr Shrewsbury. I'm running 18/13 which is a bit stiff and have a 14T which is about perfect. Do you want to run without any kind of tensioner? That is you need info on half link chains?
  12. Sorry but that's got absolutely nothing to do with football at all. Gosh.
  13. Will be at the funeral but not going to go to the pub afterwards. Don't want to intrude on the family and close friends.
  14. And Onza did it before then with the first style of T-Rex didn't they? Back in 2002/2003 sort of time. Maybe.
  15. Holy... you know, just... And I've only watched the first 5 minutes so far. Edit: Absolutely incredible riding and looks like you all have so much fun riding. Brilliant.
  16. As has been said, reckon you're in the wrong place! I guess it depends what you mean by classic... Real classic trials bikes tend to be pre 1965 twin shocks... yours is just old school!
  17. It's aaaalllll about Trialtech rims. 38mm wide and would be perfect for the sort of riding you're describing, especially if you need the extra strength of an undrilled rim. Well worth a look .
  18. But they won't have any sweet looking hydroformed tubing?
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