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Everything posted by monkeyseemonkeydo

  1. I'm going to apologise for this in advance for my anality...
  2. I think the main issue is with the complete and utter pointlessness of the thread in what is supposed to be a biketrials forum. If threads like "HOW DO I TURN MY FISH ON, WHERE'S THE ON BUTTON" weren't closed this place would quickly spiral downward into complete anarchy (well, even more so than seems to be the case already...). P.S. I reported the thread as it was clearly spam. Sorry Ben!
  3. We've been through this already, Ash... Zoot's aren't wank at all, just misunderstood!
  4. Of course this action is only possible if the said piscis is not floating at the top of its tank/bowl.
  5. Yeah, my mistake- it was the way Ash modified your quote that threw me. It's obvious what you meant but less so what Ash was getting at.
  6. I just streamed it I'm afraid. Vimeo's usually quite good though...
  7. Cross post from OTN- some massive riding from Benito. Vimeo.
  8. Guessing not as it was a Forestry Commission fiesta van (I think).
  9. I usually get all the entry's sent to me but seem to have fallen out of the loop this year. Don't think I've even got a BIU license... Sorry Scott!
  10. I was hoping someone would come in with 'oh, you know, Vincent, Kenny, Gilles etc etc. Usual crowd. Don't think I'm gonna venture up I'm afraid. Have fun boys.
  11. Ah but that's all set up. If you just swap frames from one to the other, like I did, there's not much between them.
  12. I never really noticed much difference. The Zoot's probably a little heavier but other than that the main difference is image.
  13. As in Zoots are bad to ride or get a Zoot because T-Rex's are poor? Neither really make sense though as Zoot's have virtually the same geometry as Inspireds which are absolutely frickin' awesome and T-Rex's are built like tanks but are also really stiff beasty frames. I've run both and would happily ride either again. That's probably aimed more at sstein rather than Ash.
  14. Yeah, over 300 people turned up. Testament to how popular he was. The coffin was entirely covered with a poster type graphic of a trials rider along with JCB and Snap-On tools logo's. Really quite touching. Ride the skies Hobbsie.
  15. Haha, it really was! I didn't think I was going to get it but with a little extra beans... bob's your mother's brother. Nice vid Dan, thanks for posting- was a really good day. Ride the skies Hobbsie.
  16. I'm not convinced... Saying that SM's nominating potential SM's is a bad thing is like, I dunno, like saying that the kids should choose what they learn in school rather than the government/teachers. SM's (in theory at least) have shown that they have consistently posted at a high standard for a long time while also coming across to those in high places as generally friendly people. It is a popularity contest, but a popularity contest for all the right reasons rather than just because of being in a certain 'clique'. Oh yeah, and I ride a mod. And a 24".
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