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Everything posted by monkeyseemonkeydo

  1. Very good job, Tom. Your riding's really come on in leaps and bounds this Summer . Excellent stuff!
  2. Surely Ben's been busy at the Cycle Show thing in London since last Thursday or whenever it started?
  3. About what? Did I miss something?
  4. Yeah, I just park opposite and jump the gate usually...

  5. Hey mate, officially Hut Hill is private property and you're not allowed in... however, lots of people do on both motorbikes and pushbikes and no one seems to care unless there's actually a competition going on. So yeah, officially no, unofficially at your own risk ;).

  6. I'm a postgrad at the uni but live in Verwood. However, if anyone plans a weekday ride I can chuck the bike in the car and come for a play so long as I know in advance. Fletch, Matt Vokes and Steve Oliver and Ben Hazel are other local's.
  7. Excellent result Scott, good going! Is that cheque for 100 Euros though?... bit stingy of them!!
  8. I really didn't like the last (2?) series' when the wrong Kochanski came back and they used annoying computer effects. The real series 1-6 was where it was at. Not fussed about the new programs but am tempted by that DVD set...
  9. For the Red Dwarf lovers out there may I point your attention to this. Bargainous.
  10. Quite a good quote from Sébastien Bourdais:
  11. Having just watched the Japanese GP can I just say: Aaaaaarrrgggghhhhh!!!! I HATE the FIA!
  12. That's the whole point of an OS though isn't it?!
  13. Make fun of PC users and imagine just how cool the new range will be when they're released TOMORROW!![/sarcasm]
  14. £70?! Pah- in my day to go rear disc on a mod you had to pay £175 for a megamo hub... which then smashed into pieces after about a year. Happy days. Or not.
  15. Well I thought you might get offended if I called you a boy. Or the police would be knocking on my door later...
  16. Yup, you got me- I enjoy being touched by young men :$. With silly floppy hair
  17. That was the case when they first started doing it but for the past couple of years everything under the sun (usually random cheap rubbish from China) has come in white plastic feeding off the apple image, making it seem cheap and tacky now. Sounds like they're about to change that though with the eagerly anticipated launch on Tuesday... Which I guess is another thing that differentiates apple users with everyone else... apple lovers are the only people I know who know and get excited about new product launches weeks in advance (edit: I guess that's not the case- PS3 launch and anything starwars related gets similar reactions I guess but see the final sentence). I didn't know, didn't and still don't care that the new macs are out on Tuesday as I don't care when Dell release their new range of PC's. I guess that's just down to geekiness (in the nicest possible way!) Pretty sure that doesn't make sense. Or maybe it's just over my head.
  18. monkeyseemonkeydo

    Zhi News

    Umm... that was my point in the first case. Dave (Hugh) confused me though by questioning what I was questioning...
  19. monkeyseemonkeydo

    Zhi News

    Don't think I know what you're getting at... CNCing those completely plain dropouts from billet seems like a silly idea to me. That was all.
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