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Everything posted by monkeyseemonkeydo

  1. I wish the PS3 would come with an option not to have the Blu-Ray thing... and so would be competitively priced against the Xbox.
  2. Is that on balances over and above the £50,000 limit guaranteed by the government or are Guernseyites not covered by that?
  3. Are we talking push bike shop? If so I found it helped to express an interest in all types of bike. It's all well and good saying 'yeah I ride trials and can tell you anything you need to know about stupid bikes with no seats' but it's good to be able to say 'but I've also worked on/used roadie's, fixie's, cross country bikes etc and have an interest in cycling in general'. Knowing a little about strange roadie gear shifters etc can't be a bad thing.
  4. I'm amazed you paid £20 to get the wheels trued in the first place! But overall, absolutely no need for you to send any money and the fact the guy posted you the BB without even getting in touch first is just plain stupid. To be fair, anyone who pays £20 to have a BB fitted in the first place is just plain stupid. Ah well.
  5. Do that all the time with my standard Vaio one while using CAD.
  6. Not a fan of the colour schemes, that 26" with the team green Hope stuff is making me feel queezy! That little web between the top and seat tubes on the 24" makes me giggle too .
  7. It's bad isn't it... I can't help it though, apple just annoy me for some reason- probably stemming from that week wind tunnel test a few years back. Ah well. Anyway, I don't see anything wrong with a standard touchpad with a couple of buttons and don't see why I should ever need to incorporate "Multi-Touch gestures, including swipe, pinch, rotate, and the new four-finger swipe" into my daily computing.
  8. My thoughts are there's a four page thread in the news section here already.
  9. Give me a 'G', give me an 'i', give me an 'm', give me another 'm'... you get the idea . Sorry, I can't help myself. I'm sure it's iGreat.
  10. Looking a lot like, well, laptops to me. Wow... All together... ooohhhh, aaaaahhh. Note how on the apple site that the first tab is 'Design' rather than anything to do with how well the thing actually works or the spec!
  11. Very good job, Tom. Your riding's really come on in leaps and bounds this Summer . Excellent stuff!
  12. Surely Ben's been busy at the Cycle Show thing in London since last Thursday or whenever it started?
  13. About what? Did I miss something?
  14. Yeah, I just park opposite and jump the gate usually...

  15. Hey mate, officially Hut Hill is private property and you're not allowed in... however, lots of people do on both motorbikes and pushbikes and no one seems to care unless there's actually a competition going on. So yeah, officially no, unofficially at your own risk ;).

  16. I'm a postgrad at the uni but live in Verwood. However, if anyone plans a weekday ride I can chuck the bike in the car and come for a play so long as I know in advance. Fletch, Matt Vokes and Steve Oliver and Ben Hazel are other local's.
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