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Everything posted by monkeyseemonkeydo

  1. Ashton Video 4. Dreams of Glass.
  2. And I'm guessing the 'off white gusset' is actually just light reflecting off the green paint... Edit: Ok, my bad. That is kinda random.
  3. What frame's Rick riding now?
  4. Not really possible- the rings Onza use fit over the head tube, where the tube has been turned down to a smaller diameter to accept the steel ring. I assume they just use an interference fit, possibly heating the steel ring first to allow it to fit over the alloy tube easier. You can see it on the Ice frame: Wouldn't be easy to retrofit.
  5. Just another quick vent about that iTunes cr@p... just tried to run it and it's telling me "Quicktime was not found. iTunes needs Quicktime to run. Please reinstall iTunes". Why the F@~k should I?!! God damn I despise Apple. And in case anyone was wondering, no I haven't bothered trying Safari. If someone would kindly point me to another program that I could use instead of this rubbish I'd be very grateful. Edit: And one last thing, what the hell is English (United States) and why the hell can't there be an English (United Kingdom) option. Hate them hate them hate them. Edit2: Just had to reinstall iTunes and Quicktime for no good reason and now it's forgotten all of my library so iTunes is getting uninstalled and going to stick something like WinAmp on. Anything that those retards at Apple haven't made useless for the fun of it.
  6. Disappointingly uninteresting logic scenario I'm afraid... anyone got any more? And don't you dare ask about any aircraft.
  7. It's got nowt to do with thermodynamics from what I can tell. An object at rest will stay at rest until a force acts upon it to produce a motion. The wheel needs a force input to start it spinning. Warm air is unable to provide this force. The reason the wheel produces heat in the first place is due to friction (air resistance/drag from the air and friction in the bearings). That heat is then lost to the surroundings, becoming apparent as a slight temperature increase in the box, air and wheel assembly itself. That heat can't magically be transformed into kinetic energy in the wheel without a force acting... Edit: Or am I missing something?
  8. Mmm. I think I'm missing the trauma which a very slightly misaligned rotor will cause. Set it up again so that it doesn't rub/doesn't rub as much and ride it.
  9. Surely what you're describing is a fooked rotor? Get a new one, set the brake up once and you're away. If I understand what you mean by Avid's 'tri-align' system correctly, all you do is loosen the bolts, pull the lever in and do the bolts up and hey presto, nicely set up brake. Not that I've ever used a BB7 before but that's how my Hayes post mounts worked.
  10. BB height being the height of the BB above the ground... Don't know what you mean by rear triangle size... main dimension there is the chainstay length, tending to be between 13.5" and 14.5". Seat tube length just dictates standover and 'look' of the frame.
  11. Does this mean Ian's got rid of his Boxx?
  12. Verwood in Dorset . Edit: Another few cool pics taken by Jen:
  13. Yes, particularly for your complete lack of capitalisation and correct grammar in every single post. Good job .
  14. A staple of Apple logic since 1976...
  15. I have spell check in FF. 'Tis useful. Afraid my hatred of Apple is going to stop me downloading. As you were people.
  16. Am I allowed to hate it without even trying it? I choose that option . Edit: Actually before I even download it can someone tell me if it acts like a virus on my computer like iTunes does, installing and running 3 odd processes which run all the time in the background for no good reason...
  17. To be honest I'd say your best bet would be to get hold of a new HS33 lever. You're definitely letting air in somewhere, most likely due to an old/dodgy seal... Your HS11 lever will feel pretty poo compared with the HS33 one anyway due to the design and spec.
  18. Well provided you're not running pneumatic magura's... you'll gain nothing from that . Why do you have to rebleed the brakes? Does the lever feel spongy? What are the symptoms?
  19. I used to get a little bit of fluid escaping around the slave cylinder bolts but as you say, the tubes themselves can't really 'weep', only split and leak properly which you'd notice immediately.
  20. When Maggies are leaking (even slightly) you usually find dirty areas where the oil traps dust and crap and so helps to indicate where any problems may lie.
  21. You're either doing something wrong or your brake has a leak.
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