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Everything posted by monkeyseemonkeydo

  1. Basically can and do eat anything I fancy and my body just turns it into muscle/doesn't turn it into fat. Very low body fat and fast metabolism ftw.
  2. Cool, sounds about right. I'm 6' and about 12 stone but have quite an odd physique/metabolism...
  3. To some extent I guess. People like Cesar Canas and Dani Comas are over 6ft with long legs and arms which in comp situations helps with strato dabs and they are also quite springy. However, Marc Caisso is of a similar technical level but is probably only 5'6". Weight again is not a constant. Muscle weighs more than fat and so provided the rider in question is lean and isn't carrying any extra weight it shouldn't be an issue.
  4. That doesn't really follow though... Have you seen the size of Benito's forearms and lower legs?! Big bulk is obviously bad for trials, mainly due to the added mass and lack of explosive agility which goes with it. Trials uses quite a specific type of strength, I guess similar to the likes of power lifters who show a great deal of 'strength' but only for a very short time. To be honest, I'd agree with the 60/40 split of technique/strength. My technique isn't great but I bypass that with a bit of extra power meaning I can sidehop without tucking as well as most people who need to tuck to get the same height.
  5. And you can get KMC Kool's (710's and 810's) for £6.00 each from other online retailers too...
  6. Last time MSN died for me it was because I'd set the computer's clock to 2003 for a certain reason which I won't disclose here.
  7. No real way of knowing without knowing what cranks, bash and BB axle length you're running.
  8. Pah, degrees are two a penny these days. Not worth the paper they're printed on .
  9. I'm still not gonna vote though because I like the frame's but dislike the colour schemes.
  10. I think the 'dodge' he was referring to was taken from this: But agreed it doesn't really mean much seeing as Koxx are still happily producing the XTP/Sky frames with very similar designs.
  11. I would do except the question doesn't make sense .
  12. From what I've heard it ain't going to be cheap! I expect there'll be a few different 'levels' of build though.
  13. Well the entire Kamel geo might not be 'proven', but 362 chainstays are used (I think) on the Kamel, Pr, Ti, Adamant, Gu, Czar, Hydroxx, MBK and Echo Lite's to name a few so having such short chainstay's just seems to be a bit random. I've ridden Andy Green's B-4 and it feels like you're going to loop out whenever you try and kick... I'm sure you'd get used to it but I don't think you'd ever be able to put as much power through the frame for gaps and the like compared to a frame with longer stays.
  14. I think that's part of the problem though... those bikes wouldn't look out of place in the Argos catalogue with stabilisers on!
  15. A bit? A bit?! Why so short chainstay's on the 20's? If you're going to rip off someone's designs at least keep their proven geometry...
  16. I believe there'll be proper CNC'd high quality cranks in time but I've been running the forged one's for about 6 months now and haven't had any problems at all. Nice light and simple cranks.
  17. I think you'll find I was the first to call you out on the ufo thing. Just stop being an arse, eh?
  18. You'd think he'd get them painted so they appeal to the public and sell better rather than appeal to his childhood memories...
  19. It's well thought out and well priced, can't go wrong really .
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