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Everything posted by monkeyseemonkeydo

  1. Well that sucks! Whenever mine does something similar it usually goes to a 'Please insert Windows CD or browse for file XYZ' type window. Sorry, can't really shed any light on that one .
  2. Please don't smite me oh mighty smiter...
  3. What components is it trying to install?
  4. You could but I'm pretty sure that's not what Viz have done, judging by the dimensions of the body...
  5. ... All hail the Messiah!! He's not the Messiah, he's a very naughty boy!
  6. Watched an interesting vid yesterday of an interview with [retard voice]Matt Damon[/retard voice] where he totally slated her and expected her to start banning/burning science books etc if she became president. Funnily enough my thoughts on Matt were quite a bit higher of him after watching that...
  7. Well finally they're about to get rid of that retard Bush so what are people's thoughts on the matter? Personally I would rather see Obama up there but that's only because of McCain's 'right hand woman'. I don't know much about McCain and equally I know nothing about who is Obama's version of Palin but anyone who believes in creationism and is too dense to realise the French president wouldn't phone her out of the blue to tell her he 'loves what she's doing' really, really shouldn't be allowed an ounce of power... Also, horrible as it sounds, if Obama does get into power how long before someone takes a pop at him? I can see a lot of Americans being really unhappy about having a black president.
  8. I do comps, lots of static gaps, sidehops etc big ups to back, rolling gaps... never any problems.
  9. But they were on slicks for 80% of the race.
  10. Ahhhh... so there was some reason to his madness. Gotcha.
  11. Exactly. Yesterday was the first show of a new series. I missed the first 10 minutes but the only cars I saw on the entire programme (I think) were the reasonably priced car and Oliver.
  12. Doesn't work. Not that I've run one because every single one I've ever seen is full of stiff links. However, everyone I've spoken to about them say lubing and cleaning does sweet fa and that they have stiff links from new, even with the nice thin assembly oil they come coated with. So no, not common sense! You seriously must be doing something wrong then. I've run purely Kool's on my trials bikes (plural) for about 7 years and never snapped a single one. Replace them every 6-8 months if I remember and just never have problems.
  13. Also, Top Gear used to be a motoring program where they tested cars and gave advice and information on useful stuff. Now I still enjoy them thrashing the pants off of supercars and Ben is an absolute legend (and, so I'm led to believe is a really nice down to earth guy). However stupid staged races etc was funny a couple of years ago but it's now just getting silly.
  14. I was also told by someone (currently working alongside them) at the weekend that they're all really up their own arses, which I expected of Clarkson but thought the other two might be a bit more down to earth. Ah well, will keep watching anyway in case anything interesting gets tested but they really need to go back a step and reconsider where the programme's heading I think.
  15. Got to be a 30 tooth ratchet, 8 pawls running in pairs to get the 120 EP's.
  16. All his listings have been removed... wonder if he actually made any money out of it or whether the weird Paypal 'payment holding scheme' thingy might actually have helped some people?
  17. But it can't be because it's running twice as many pawls as the Hope in a similarly sized shell. The Hope has 48 EP's. A Chris King has 72. Is there really any need for 120?! Fair enough if it works but if it was that easy surely Hope would've been doing it in all their hubs for the past 10 years...
  18. So you asked whether he was getting one... implying that you're interested/care what he's changing to. So why get kinda shitty with him when you asked? Meh.
  19. To be honest, the last few races Lewis has really seemed to go off the boil a bit. I imagine he just hasn't had the car under him but a few times he just seems to have struggled far more than you'd expect for no apparent reason. So glad the Ferrari International Assistance didn't get its way in the end though.
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