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Everything posted by monkeyseemonkeydo

  1. Swapped the frame with Luke's Heatsink that's in this thread .
  2. Too late... So where are the pics of the new steed Luke?!
  3. I'm glad. For all the people who'd prefer McCain, I really don't have an issue with him, but I think there's a very good chance he's already lost some of his marbles just by the fact he chose Palin. He's clearly got a couple of screws up in his head loose... I'm also very glad that the new president can actually string together sensible, meaningful sentences without a) reading it off a teleprompter b) sounding like a total retard and c) exclaiming how good German asparagus is.
  4. Seeing as only one state has actually counted votes (New Hampshire going to Obama) that's not based on any kind of fact at all...
  5. Depends if you want to just roll or do a Switzerland squeaker where you scuff the front tyre with your foot from an endo to roll the bike backwards. For backwards nose rolls (I'm no expert by the way) a lot of it has to do with getting your cranks right before kicking up the back wheel. You need to be rolling backwards then kind of pedal backwards faster than necessary until you get your feet back to being level where you're comfortable and then scoop the back of the bike up with your feet while pushing forward on the bars and keeping your weight really far forwards. Hard to explain but you basically want your centre of gravity to be centred over the front wheel. Keep at it and you'll get better. Cover the front brake for obvious reasons and learn to use it lightly to try and keep things going longer. A slight hill will help. For squeakers it's down to timing in my mind. You want to scuff to get the bike moving and as the bike gets to the point of balance, pull on the front brake so that the bike wants to fall back down to two wheels. If you then scuff again you can catch the bike, maintain momentum and move backwards a bit more again until you get to roughly the balance point where you need to repeat. When I started I found I was pulling the brake on too late which meant the bike virtually came to a standstill at the balance point which meant that any further scuffs just sent me over the bars so it's a case of getting the timing right to keep momentum flowing. Or something like that!
  6. I've never seen anything explain the difference... It's like Labour and Conservatives... at the end of the day their policies are/have to be pretty much identical in the end to keep the country functioning and prosperous and the only thing you're really voting on is the dude in charge. That's my infantile way pf looking at it anyway. Obama seems to be an intelligent reasonably rounded bloke, whereas Sarah Palin is a retarded creationist who needs to disappear back to Alaska to be forgotten...
  7. To be honest I can see his point on both cases... tax havens=bad in my mind. I can see where you're coming from but I'm sure the IoM would cope (I didn't even think of it as a tax haven, although I guess Nigel Mansell moved there didn't he?). And the war? What war? The war on terror? The war to steal Iraq and Iran's oil? The war to earn America's finest construction firms billions of dollars? Great war . Edit: Also, I doubt he will have the power to stop banks investing in anything...
  8. I really don't understand what possessed him to choose her... seems like a very very odd choice.
  9. Solidworks is a pretty straightforward and powerful tool. It tends to be fairly windowsesque in its GUI, with nice little buttons indicating the extrude, shell functions etc and for solid modelling you'd be able to pick up the basics in a week or two, probably less if you're already clued up on other 3D CAD programs.
  10. Yeah, but... it's the quantity of pointless crap I have issues with- as I said before, it was the first programme of the new series and they spent the time fannying around with trucks. I wouldn't of minded so much if they'd raced a new *insert new car here* against a dog sled team and cross country skier in Alaska but to take up 75% of the programme with silly truck games was annoying. They didn't even destroy any caravan's with them. What's the world coming to?!
  11. Well that sucks! Whenever mine does something similar it usually goes to a 'Please insert Windows CD or browse for file XYZ' type window. Sorry, can't really shed any light on that one .
  12. Please don't smite me oh mighty smiter...
  13. What components is it trying to install?
  14. You could but I'm pretty sure that's not what Viz have done, judging by the dimensions of the body...
  15. ... All hail the Messiah!! He's not the Messiah, he's a very naughty boy!
  16. Watched an interesting vid yesterday of an interview with [retard voice]Matt Damon[/retard voice] where he totally slated her and expected her to start banning/burning science books etc if she became president. Funnily enough my thoughts on Matt were quite a bit higher of him after watching that...
  17. Well finally they're about to get rid of that retard Bush so what are people's thoughts on the matter? Personally I would rather see Obama up there but that's only because of McCain's 'right hand woman'. I don't know much about McCain and equally I know nothing about who is Obama's version of Palin but anyone who believes in creationism and is too dense to realise the French president wouldn't phone her out of the blue to tell her he 'loves what she's doing' really, really shouldn't be allowed an ounce of power... Also, horrible as it sounds, if Obama does get into power how long before someone takes a pop at him? I can see a lot of Americans being really unhappy about having a black president.
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