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Everything posted by monkeyseemonkeydo

  1. I would say organise to take them out for a meal with as many of the regulars as we can get hold of but the hassle and organisation involved in that would be pretty major... Will have a think.
  2. He's at uni somewhere stupidly Northern. And yeah, I'd happily contribute to something for Terry, Hazel and Mike for all the effort they put into the series .
  3. If I remember correctly the guy actually died from the fall. Poor Wang. And it was 2002 I think.
  4. Doubt it. The way the system works if you owned every single premium bond there is (over 37,000,000,000) you would win every single prize going but you'd still only make 2.85% 'interest' on it. Ok so if you're investing 37 billion pounds a billion pounds interest isn't to sniff at but if you were to invest only £1000 for a year, odds are you'd come away with £1000. And yeah, as for the BT shares thing they're about to cut 10,000 jobs so I'm guessing they're struggling a bit too.
  5. I wouldn't want to spoil the surprise but suffice to say they're going to look awesome .
  6. Just get an Inspired. You really won't regret it. If you wait until the next batch come in you'll have a bit of choice of colours too I believe so you won't end up with one the same as your mate.
  7. How about you just buy the spokes from Tarty Adam seeing as he'll be building the wheel.
  8. And lights (unless you get a daytime only MOT) but you would certainly need a brake light, also think a speedo is required. Also tax disc, mot, numberplate etc if you were in the UK.
  9. Are you sure that's a good idea? Judging by what you state as your level of riding I'm not so sure they'll last more than a couple of months... I'd go for something reasonably light but a good bit less prone to snapping.
  10. Wrong. Some bikes come as standard with road stuff but otherwise you can buy road going kits which contain everything you need to use it legally... However I have absolutely no idea what the laws are like in Bulgaria. Whatever, trials bikes aren't designed to be used on the road and you'll end up wearing everything out very quickly if you do use it as a road bike.
  11. T-Rex's are built like tanks so at worst it'll last the same amount of time as any other trials frame. I miss my Rex sometimes... although I never liked the look of the smart guys. Again, very strong though.
  12. I would say that something like that is more suited to a child under maybe 8 or 9 years. For a 14 year old I'd go with a 125cc I think.
  13. I usually just stick the bike on its side, push a skinny (1-1.5mm) allen key between the bar and grip and then pour a little water down the gap. Give the grip a little twist and it'll slide off easy as you like.
  14. Mika's face during James' stage drive was quite amusing .
  15. Because it had an uprated backbox/exhaust which wasn't mentioned in the build.
  16. Ah sorry, I meant the Danny quote about the key cloning. Is that 70USD or GBP or Russian (?)'s?
  17. We're pretty much staying clear of anything that's been modded by the diggers. Should be 4 laps of 5 sections, nothing too crazy from what I saw but still nice and challenging so should be a good day. Can I use my mototrials bike please?...
  18. You really are a f**ktard aren't you? ON topic... no, to run a 20" rim in a frame set up for 19" you'll end up having to run the brake at silly angles and will lose loads of power. So yeah, you could get away with a BMX front wheel but really you need a 19" rim on the back.
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