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Everything posted by monkeyseemonkeydo

  1. Nope, I just tried a few spellings and nothing.
  2. Fair do's. In which case, you could drill and tap the blanks.
  3. Yeah, the Pinkbike search is kinda weird- tends not to find all the pics of a certain rider. Odd that none come up for Marco though.
  4. Marco Grosenik? Or however you spell it...
  5. He might've been running a chain device before, or just removed them to save weight but I'm almost certain you couldn't fit a granny ring to those.
  6. I don't really see why you'd want it on a trials bike. BMXers have a good reason to run LHD but for trials, there's really no need.
  7. Go crawl under a rock and die. Reported.
  8. Macneil SL . Looks really nice- stealthy! How you finding the frame? I love mine
  9. Yup, that'd be the fella. Was a bit off with my Jon and Hemming though .
  10. Who was the guy who used to ride for Haro and had a couple of shots in the MBUK tricks and stunts feature doing no footed stoppies (I think)? Jon someone maybe? Or someone Hemming or something? Looked like a full on show off...
  11. Mmkay... hehe. Those pictures get you back for all the gurning ones you've chosen on the 'riders' page of the site .
  12. Japanese people really are weird, aren't they?... Pretty pants display of mototrials too- there are thousands of far cooler vids out there.
  13. First time I heard of it was when Adam Read posted some pics... or was that the batman?
  14. I thought a pigeon was when the front wheel's hooked over the top of something like a rock. Straight from the floor onto a wall is a wheel swap I'd say.
  15. You know you want to make some in pale blue... white's a nightmare to keep clean, especially when you ride bikes!
  16. Stan's new bike: Braaaaaaaaaaaaaaaap .
  17. Did they get Ashton to do the colour scheme?! What's the score with the tensioner? Looks interesting.
  18. Might come play if I can get in touch with Andy Green and the weather looks reasonable .
  19. Excellent detective work! I thought it must be something like that but didn't bother to check. I think I may start a very useful thread making sure that everyone is fully aware of the importance of quantum cellular automata, you know, just in case.
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