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Everything posted by monkeyseemonkeydo

  1. Yup, that'd be the fella. Was a bit off with my Jon and Hemming though .
  2. Who was the guy who used to ride for Haro and had a couple of shots in the MBUK tricks and stunts feature doing no footed stoppies (I think)? Jon someone maybe? Or someone Hemming or something? Looked like a full on show off...
  3. Mmkay... hehe. Those pictures get you back for all the gurning ones you've chosen on the 'riders' page of the site .
  4. Japanese people really are weird, aren't they?... Pretty pants display of mototrials too- there are thousands of far cooler vids out there.
  5. First time I heard of it was when Adam Read posted some pics... or was that the batman?
  6. I thought a pigeon was when the front wheel's hooked over the top of something like a rock. Straight from the floor onto a wall is a wheel swap I'd say.
  7. You know you want to make some in pale blue... white's a nightmare to keep clean, especially when you ride bikes!
  8. Stan's new bike: Braaaaaaaaaaaaaaaap .
  9. Did they get Ashton to do the colour scheme?! What's the score with the tensioner? Looks interesting.
  10. Might come play if I can get in touch with Andy Green and the weather looks reasonable .
  11. Excellent detective work! I thought it must be something like that but didn't bother to check. I think I may start a very useful thread making sure that everyone is fully aware of the importance of quantum cellular automata, you know, just in case.
  12. Damnit people! Did you not read the post from the guy with far too much free time?!
  13. Where's Scotty Evil1 when you need him?... The new Onza/Tensile freewheels that he's testing sound completely nuts. Sounds like they've crammed the workings of a small crane in there or something. However, not sure when they'll be available. Personally I'd save a little more and get an Eno. I run one on each of my trials bikes and have never had a single problem. The one on my Monty's now over 2 years old, has been abused to the max in comps and is still sweet as a nut. Worth the premium in my mind.
  14. Sir, permission to mail bomb and sign tartybikes_christmascomp@live.co.uk up for multiple gay porn sites, Sir.
  15. Hehe, good stuff Ben! Damn that brings back memories... been soooo long since I rode there! There's probably still bashguard marks on that sculpture thing from 8 odd years ago .
  16. As a full on noob question... where does one actually buy shares in the first place? I take it you have to go through some kind of trader who you pay to actually make the purchases? And when it comes to selling them?
  17. Ooh, haven't used that before- seems a good bit more thorough than Cleanup. Good call .
  18. 53 processes isn't massively excessive... How big are the hard drives to begin with? 2 gig space left out of 20 isn't too bad but 2 left from 120 would be more of a problem! One thing to use as well is Cleanup, it's excellent at finding and removing all sorts of unnecessary trash from your system.
  19. Race was obviously faked to some extent and anyone expecting the Veyron to be fastest round the track's kidding themselves. Awesome bit of kit but it simply wasn't designed to be an agile racer, consequently it doesn't perform like one.
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