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Everything posted by monkeyseemonkeydo

  1. But hooks aren't two distinct movements of hooking the front wheel, stopping, then springing up to the top- your body should make one fluid movement so the momentum is maintained and the bike continues travelling upwards and forwards onto the step. To be honest I don't really know what I'm talking about as I'm not that great at hooks but I'm sure Rowan told me once that if you do it right you shouldn't be pulling the brake. Shouldn't really trust a postie though to be fair...
  2. I didn't think you were supposed to use the brakes when hooking. And my wheels never move in my dropouts whatever I'm doing... Having said that, if that's what Tim says then I trust his word! I'm disappointed they went away from the tear-drop shaped downtube, but only for the old skool MHz-ness!
  3. Hey Scott, is the freewheel based on a sealed bearing or loose? I can't remember if I've asked you before... But yeah, it sounds really industrial and Scott seems to be getting on really well with it.
  4. It looks so retarded though... impressive but retarded.
  5. No reason not to. The only drawback is that you'd have to run a 22T front cog which is a bit on the big side by todays standards. Edit: I should also point out that you wouldn't ruin your trousers running FFW provided you use a bashguard. I run my Inspired FFW with a GU bashring and have never caught my troos in it.
  6. Hi, and welcome to the forum. Before you get in trouble for it, you're not supposed to have pictures in your signature .
  7. Well if you were a pre-member then it would be against the rules. Because you're a full member it's just daft you didn't put it in the right section...
  8. All ISIS BB's will have to have a shoulder for the bearings to sit against. Only BMX type BB's have constant diameter axles with no shoulders. I think. (Waits for Adam@TB to prove me wrong). The Try-All etc will all have a shoulder on the inside of the bearings- the alloy spacer tube is just to protect the cranks from flaring in the ends of the spline flute I think.
  9. Exactly. It's as weird as guys wearing womens underwear, stockings and suspenders or high heel shoes. Oh, wait...
  10. I still find it weird to think that any guys actually go into shops and buy proper girls jeans for themselves... Surely if you want that look there are places that do skinny fit mens jeans? Odd people out there .
  11. No, only the grumpy Welsh lot with their stupid accents and annoying patriotism (is that the right word?).
  12. Absolutely not. In fact, I'm all for getting a really big hacksaw and pushing them off into the Atlantic.
  13. I'll take your word for it. However, I'm sure fluffly pyjamas are really comfy but I wouldn't wear those in public either.
  14. He mainly rides moto trials these days but is a rep for some mountainbike company.
  15. You also don't go up to a roadie and say 'wow, that lycra looks soooo cool, really tight... man I can see everything! Where can I get me some threads like them?'. And that's because lycra, along with wearing girls jeans, can never be cool.
  16. And also those are obviously unofficial although I'm sure there's a vid of Rick on a TV show doing a real attempt...
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