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Everything posted by monkeyseemonkeydo

  1. Yeah but if you think about it... take a load of trials riders and get them to ride Brighton for a few weeks and you'd end up with gap, gap, tap, sidehop, rolling gap, tap etc. Stick Danny Mac in the mix and you'd spice it up though but then he's not the compy pro you're talking about. I just don't think trials (i.e. traditional trials) really lends itself to being a spectator sport. However, I understand that Danny Mac is making a DVD at the moment with the help of a pro BMXer so that could be something special!
  2. Doesn't look very closed to me... Where did your info come from?
  3. Did someone not snap a spring soon after purchase? I'm after a new tensioner too as I managed to snap off my Kingz on the London ride without noticing (thought it had just slipped) and the main bit is now sitting in a gutter on one of the bridges over the Thames. Would be tempted by a Rohloff but they are a bit pricey...
  4. You're right that it's old. My guess would be early 90's... 93,94 maybe? The silver allen bolt is the bleed screw. I *think* the flat head screwdriver bolt will adjust the pad position but I never ran this kind of Maggy so can't be sure.
  5. Did you actually look at the picture?
  6. Undecided at the moment. Will see how I get on on Sunday and take it from there.
  7. Pretty sure they're different geometries, judging by the White/Silver Sky 20's on Tarty.
  8. I love Danny Mac... He's my hero. Except for blatantly copying my bike's colour scheme of course... A fully beawesome day and thanks to Jack for making it happen. I honestly wasn't convinced that the likes of Vincent, Kenny and Wesley would show but they did and it was amazing. Kenny seems like such a nice guy too! Don't believe they came over this morning and are flying back this evening!- Properly committed! Great day ! Oh yeah, nearly forgot that strange, strange boy Rowan who's just odd for riding brakeless. Really well. Dave (on the blue Inspired with white forks but who wasn't Danny Mac)
  9. With a bit of luck should be there with Andy Green tomorrow. Being brave and driving to London for the first time... Yay me.
  10. Curtis being a reference to the bike manufacturer or just happy coincidence?
  11. Ah well, looks like I'm going to the dark side and riding BMX in Ferndown instead.
  12. I pretty much taught myself how to ride using Martyn Ashton as a guide from 'Chainspotting' and 'Dirty Tricks and Cunning Stunts' parts. Subsequently JJ Gregorowicz in 'Revolution' had a big influence on my riding and sent me to little wheels. Beyond that I've kind of evolved into what I am by myself...
  13. I'd really like to come but need to sus out how to get up... Trains will be hectic I imagine if they can still only take 2 or 3 bikes and no way I'm drivin' into Laandaan...
  14. Does it not make your pads actually stick to the rim though? If you can't tell if your brake is going to release when you let off the lever it won't be much use...
  15. Agreed, although I love Dakota Roche's section in Brighton Ain't Ready too...
  16. Whole video in HD, well worth the download- the whole thing's pretty sick . Last move in Dennis Enarson's section is just . Also, a bit illegal but Shhhhhh.
  17. There was no mention of steel... I assumed alloy because all the cool kids use aluminium forks. Still not ideal though, unless you get it done very well in which case you may as well spend the money on new forks or whatever. And there's nothing wrong with Trialtech cranks at all. Ok not as posh as Middleburn but I'm pretty sure you could trust your life with them . Inspired and Trialtech ftw.
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