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Everything posted by monkeyseemonkeydo

  1. Took them f@*&ing long enough!!
  2. I imagine their response would be along the lines of 'Umm, we're in China... what do you expect us to do about it?'. I'd go with trading standards, the police or a personal visit if I were you Chai.
  3. Really? Hours of fun changing song names there... "you are listening to: 'Pigs Anus' by the Homophobic Japanese Womens' Guild".
  4. Just sitting there you say? . How soft do you reckon they are compare to Maxxis Slow Reezay's or something? Need a pair of knobblies for doing comps on with the Inspired...
  5. I had the same problem with my first Echo EM2. I ended up changing my gearing to 18:13 to help take up the extra chain slack. Not ideal but an option. Edit: How many freewheels do you need?!
  6. Are you sure? You were talking about excess skin sites the other day...
  7. High roller's are really sticky tyres which are great for natural but really aren't much cop for a more streety setup. Go for something like a DMR Moto or Holy Roller instead unless you're planning riding rocks and comps etc.
  8. Just gives me another excuse when it inevitably goes horribly wrong... "damn, I would've done that on the Monty..."
  9. Well at the moment I'm leaning toward sticking with the 24"... I've already got a few enquiries about the Monty so it may well be going pretty soon!
  10. That's pretty much the same as 18:13 and I agree that it's my gear of choice too. I'm running DMR Moto RT's- 2.2" front and 2.4" rear and get on fine with them. Not great for puncture protection but run a little more pressure and they're good tyres.
  11. Slightly harder. Do it with 'gear inches': (18/16)*26" = 29.25. (18/13)*24" = 33.23. (18/14)*24" = 30.86. (18/15)*24" = 28.80. Mr Lee: That doesn't take wheel size into account.
  12. I'm actually quite chuffed with coming 2nd in Expert on a bike with silly sized wheels and a seat!
  13. 18/14 is out as close as you'll get for 24". I run 18/13 on my Inspired and got used to quick enough.
  14. Hehe, yeah... it came off to do the Hampshire comp but went back on again after. Really need to make an effort to use it a bit more though as it seems a bit of a waste (stupid?) to have it and never use it.
  15. What tensioner's that on Porter's steed?
  16. Yeah basically the entire place is very volcanic and rideable. The South/West coast (where most of the touristy bits are) is quite barron and I imagine you'll find some stuff to play on quite easily. Also if you head inland up towards the volcano itself (Mt Teide) you'll find some pretty awesome natural. I didn't know the flag of Tenerife is basically the Scottish Saltire for some reason... interesting fact for the day!
  17. He doesn't seem to be physically able to play the top 3 odd strings though... anyway, BOTI?
  18. Extra rotational mass? I've never run any kind of 'slime' or sealant but then I also don't tend to get too many punctures either.
  19. Went out for a play in Poole today to make the most of the great weather and Andy Green from NBR Cycles took some pretty sweet shots... Gap down from the bin. Gap to post. X-Up old skoolness . Rail ride... the less said about which the better. Christ I need to practice balance beams... Wall ride at the train station. Bunnyhop out of the subway ramp over the bollard. Comments welcome .
  20. Could you post a pic of it running in a bike with a rear disc please?
  21. I was thinking it didn't sound quite like a post by Dan... but could easily be wrong. If the 'new management' are actually looking to take over Trials-UK rather than, as speculated, that means administration, we're back to an X-Street type situation. Once customer confidence has gone they'll be hard pushed to make an honest go of it again without a complete rebranding and a lot of hard work.
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