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Everything posted by monkeyseemonkeydo

  1. Pretty much impossible...
  2. Surely that's just an excuse for horny teenage boys to watch porn?
  3. Ordered some new tyres this morning for the Inspired so I should be there . Could be a bit muddy in places as we're doing a mototrial there on the Saturday...
  4. LIES! But yeah, Vettel's (soft) tyres had gone off and Kubica was on the faster harder tyres. Vettel went in too hot and couldn't slow enough to avoid the collision. His brakes certainly weren't cooling.
  5. The two sizes weren't an 'option' though, they were effectively different versions of the frame. The 15" was initially released and this was reduced on the later model to 13" due to trials frames getting smaller and more trials specific.
  6. Brand new team? Check. Qualify one-two at their first ever GP? Check. Finish one-two at their first ever GP? Check and double check. I reckon, even in the current economic climate, that they won't be struggling to find companies willing to throw money at them now!
  7. Woop woop! Trulli was penalised and so Hamilton's been promoted to 3rd . Apparently he 'overtook' Hamilton under the safety car and was later penalised 25 seconds which put him from 3rd all the way back to 12th.
  8. Unbelievable! Go Brawn GP!
  9. Haha, mad skillz there Prawn! I don't have the original so the best I can do in Photoshop Elements:
  10. To be honest, I'm far happier taking half an hour to do an acceptable job and then ride the thing than spend three days spraying the sidewalls to get a great finish which will just get chipped anyway...
  11. And with not much effort you can end up with a really good finish... the BMXer's have got it down to a 't'.
  12. Should be able to come out for a couple of hours . Weather's looking pretty good too. See y'all there .
  13. Was that not a government statement which was later revoked because the figures were completely made up?
  14. Was I actually doing anything or just doing a good impression of Danny Mac's bike double/accent?
  15. Lewis had to change his gearbox so he should've started from 20th but the FIA have also decided that both Toyota's diffusers are actually illegal and so they're starting from the pitlane meaning Lewis starts 18th effectively. TomN- no that's been deferred until 2010 (maybe) due to the FIA being complete f*%ktards.
  16. He's the guy that used to do the radio commentary isn't it? Never listened to that but from what I saw of the quali it sounded like Martin was almost cringing at some of his comments!
  17. McLaren are down on downforce from the sounds of it. They're actually advertising for aerodynamicists at the moment which is the first time in months and gives an impression that they really are in a bit of trouble! Provided Brawn have the reliability to back up they're raw speed I think they're pretty likely to take the win... and with Brawn on the pitwall as well I'd say they're in a good situation!
  18. Pretty sure Matt can't make this anymore because he has a Stag doo to attend.
  19. After the pre season testing I was so sure that Brawn were doing something sneaky to make them 'appear' fast to attract sponsors and get some media coverage... seems like they really were ahead of the game all along! Which is kind of weird considering the fact that in theory they shouldn't have had nearly as much development time over the Winter. Ah well, best of luck to them- British team with a British sponsor and a British driver (and I've always liked Rubens too!)... go Brawn!
  20. Have you looked behind the fridge? It always amazes me the things that fall behind there.
  21. But you can buy those here... (legally).
  22. Is it a gun/tazer/nightstick/flick-knife/etc.?
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