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Everything posted by monkeyseemonkeydo

  1. I've run pure water in my Magura's for the last 8 odd years and have never had a problem. Nice light lever feel, fast return, no mess, doesn't matter if you get any on your rim/bike and it's also pretty damn cheap...
  2. Just watched it again and I've got to say it's better than I remember! Think I wasn't paying full attention the first time I watched. He really is a remarkable guy and his family are pretty nuts too. Love his dad's quote regarding religion: "To me God is as real as Daffy Duck. In fact, people know what Daffy Duck looks like so maybe he's even more real..." Quality.
  3. Was that to me? It's definitely Cliff who's posted this vid, and his Bionic in bike pics and was selling his Inspired last week...
  4. Looks like McLaren may be penalised/fined further after their discretion in Oz... FIA are asking them to formally explain their actions. Expect them to get completely screwed over again by the FIA then!
  5. He had a full build Inspired but sold it last week. Keep up!
  6. I was a little disappointed by it to be honest. I've seen (and own) all the Nitro Circus DVD's and most of the footage is lifted straight from there. I've also read most of the stories about him before so it offered nothing new. Having said that I look up to him so much for his outlook on life and everything he's achieved in such a short time. He really is incredible.
  7. Just watched the recorded GP... I love the way they spent like 20 minutes without anyone knowing what the hell was going on! Excellent result for Jenson and Braun again. I can see Lewis being somewhat peeved again at McLaren's showing. 'I was 5th wasn't I?' 'Well 7th officially but we're still checking that...'. D'oh!!
  8. That tree ride?! Hell yeah!! Christ he's a bit good... However, riding street in pixie boots and lycra tights?
  9. It's more that it is something that they don't keep stock of 'on the shelf' because it is a more expensive or specialist item which isn't regularly asked for. They therefore have to order one directly from the supplier when a customer requests one.
  10. Bolts is bolts. So long as they're not aluminium they'll be fine.
  11. Kurt brain ran the ES4 for a while, including in an MBUK interview I think...
  12. Nope, me neither. Best I can understand is that he or the team didn't tell the stewards the truth on what happened but it should've been on film/traceable in telemetry etc so it really makes no sense. Lewis overtook Jarno when Jarno fell off. Lewis then came to a virtual standstill in order to let him back through so as not to feel the wrath of the FIA. Jarno thought Lewis had problem so went back past him (even though his team said not to) because he honestly believed Lewis to be in trouble. That's where I lose the plot... everyone was trying to be nice and not doing anything naughty and everyone gets screwed by the FIA anyway. They're a complete joke these days.
  13. I just see stupid oversized and ugly front wings, fat ugly noses and completely out of proportion rear wings. Wish they'd just done away with the aero 'add ons' from the last years cars and given them slicks. Ah well, I'm sure the FIA know what they're doing. Oh, hang on...
  14. I think this years cars look like the b*****d children of an F3 car and a lego set... 2008: Yummy. 2009, spot the difference: Lego F1 car 2009 McLaren.
  15. Sorry but that sentence simply doesn't make sense to me this year... The new regs have made all the cars look out of proportion and butt ugly. I think the McLaren uses it's paint job best to hide the sheer hideousness of the cars though.
  16. No way! Why has it taken the FIA 4 days to change their minds?! And would they have done this if it had been a Ferrari in question?...
  17. Hollywood Undead Origin Hollywood, California, USA Genre(s) Rapcore, rap rock Years active 2005–present Label(s) A&M/Octone Website http://hollywoodundead.com Members Charlie Scene Johnny 3 Tears J-Dog Da Kurlzz Deuce AKA Tha Producer Funny Man Former members Shady Jeff
  18. Monty used to sell their pads in both 35mm and 50mm lengths so it's just an extension to that I guess. Good call on the multiple compounds thing too Luke, hadn't thought of that. Edit: appears they still do!
  19. The only problem I can see (apart form a bit of added mass obviously) is how the pad material actually wears. On standard size pads mine always seem to wear from one corner first rather than uniformly and I can only see this being worse with longer backings.
  20. Don't forget Hobbsie, Sue. I'll be there as always for sure .
  21. Well the rest of the world manages to ride fine with a whole host of grips- thin, thick, soft, hard (ooh err) without a problem. When you say it's painful do you mean you get blisters or what?
  22. Reported and hopefully closed and moved to the mod area soon...
  23. If you find grips actually painful you might be doing something wrong... Only thing I can suggest is get some thick/soft grips to try.
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