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Everything posted by monkeyseemonkeydo

  1. One thing that was damn scary at the time was in London a few years back. I rode along one of the wooden rails on Southbank next to the Thames and about 80% along it I nearly lost it over to the river side which was a proper heart-in-mouth, tightening of the guts moment. Would've been a 30ft fall into the muddy waters of the Thames if I'd gone wrong...
  2. Not at the beginning. I read the first paragraph of the first post and decided it was clearly a spoof and called Mr Anderson out on it. A swift PM from Fishy later and I deleted my post and instead fed the fire .
  3. Funny how people always say that after they've found out it's a hoax...
  4. I've yet to try them but I've heard great things about Phat Pads. On both smooth rims and ground everyone seems to love them. And yes, Green Frogs were available back in the day but are proper hard compound for XC in the wet and mud. Get some nice trials pads on and you'll be away .
  5. Carbon stem... Sounds like a bad idea to me. Also why would you want to respray the bike in the original colour when it's already the original colour and looks pretty spotless to me?
  6. Most important question is: Does your brake work? If it holds and is quiet then to be honest you've got it made. I much prefer a quiet brake because it makes everything seem so much smoother (a few years running double disc is testament to that). It takes a bit of getting used to but when you do it's so nice not to be embarrassed to pull your brake in public!
  7. Also running a steel braided crossover will help against damage.
  8. Not another one... Come on, it isn't rocket science!
  9. I have absolutely no idea what you're trying to say there, Chris! I do have to say that although I like the general look of the frames that bike really looks like a bit of a tank... I can see Ben possibly changing a few parts to try and get the weight down for it to be a successful comp bike, or maybe just drilling everything to smeg!
  10. Ah, that's his old Echo Pure isn't it?
  11. He's pretty much solely riding the Inspired Fourplay I believe. He's on a swish blue one now.
  12. That'll be a yes. Edit: Can I just add that the Norco advert of Ryan Leech is possibly one of the gayest things I've seen in a long while... Edit 2: And my pure hatred for 'Doddy' doesn't diminish over time.
  13. I want a wolf thing! Puppy dog.
  14. Is the MBUK DVD just the trailer that's on the site Chris linked to?
  15. [homer]Woop woop woop woop[/homer] . Really looking forward to trying out these pads as I've only heard great things about them. I'm about to get a new wheel built up for street which (to begin with at least) will mean I'll be running the pads both on a smooth Trialtech rim and also on a ground Onza rim when doing comps so it'll be interesting to see how the pads perform in all circumstances. Big thanks to Mike for being such a stupidly nice bloke and giving me a chance to be part of the Phat Pads Posse. Will post up some pics and feedback once I've had a chance to use them .
  16. I don't really get it but RhinoTheHamster just kicked veryviolentmuel's ass.
  17. Basically, the shorter and higher the bar/stem setup, the easier it is to pull up the front end while moving forwards. This is useful for more streety moves such as manuals, bunnyhops and spins. For more TGS type riding you tend to want a longer, lower setup which helps with taps etc but also gives you more room for wheel swaps etc. To give you ball park figures, a streety setup would be a stem less than 100mm, probably with a good 15-20 degree rise combined with fairly high rise bars (50mm+). A more traditional trials setup would involve a slightly longer stem, probably around the 110-115mm mark with less of a rise (10-15 degrees) and with standard trials type riser bars (think TrialTech/Monty etc).
  18. If you're used to a BMX I'd say get a nice short stem, like maximum 90mm, and some high rise bars to help you to lift the front end. Will help it from feeling totally alien when you start riding.
  19. Is it as pointless as it looks?
  20. Hi, it's a Simtra ReSyStem: 115mm x 15°. I've since changed to an Easton EA50 90mm x 20° though to give a more streety feel.
  21. My old Zoot. As for rim tape, just buy 26" stuff and cut and reglue to size. Edit: Also, can Pre Members edit posts?
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