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Everything posted by monkeyseemonkeydo

  1. Thanks ManxTrialSpaz. I truly can't understand how anyone in this day and age can possibly believe that. That's kind of the first thing that makes me think know that the Bible and therefore the entire God/faith/religion thing is fictional rubbish (in my opinion of course). If you believe the creation story, how do you explain dinosaurs and evolution to yourself?
  2. BECAUSE HE HATES YOU[/TheCircus] Sorry, couldn't resist.
  3. Not sure about Daryl and Fraz. Last I heard Daryl was expecting a knock on the door from the Polis for speeding in Edinburgh with no MOT, insurance, license etc and then providing false details!! However, last time I contacted him was when I saw he'd bought a Monty on eBay so he's still about. Fraz signed up on here last year sometime but don't think he ever posted. I emailed him a while back and he's working for some advertising company I think. He'd got himself a 24" I think and was trying to get back into riding too. I heard about it through an MBUK email list thing and thought 'what the hell' and entered. They even paid for our flights down . I think there were about 100 riders there each day (there were 3 trials shows, I was on the first). Presenter was pretty fit to be fair, but Daley Thompson?! Legend! Edit: That's Fraz but yeah he never posted. Edit2: And Daryl maintained that his crash was completely deliberate because he knew he wouldn't be able to do the first bit!
  4. Ok, so I found the tape today (that's right, VHS kids!) and decided to burn it to DVD and convert to a vid for the computer. This was the trials section from the first show for a TV program filmed for Channel 5 back in 2001. Commentator is appalling and some of the (my?) riding is too! Vid is over 17 mins long by the way. Trials-Forum Video -> Full View • Download • Upload
  5. That commentator dude was awful... He did it all after the whole lot had been shot so couldn't ask anyone any of the techincal details he should've done. Ah well.
  6. All the bike bits from that show now uploaded into a 17 minute long vid (Y).
  7. Your final statement kind of contradicts what you say about beauty; the whole theory of anything humans could understand as being god/gods is surely also purely a human invention. Edit: Just read that back and it makes no sense as it is my opinion that god is a human creation whereas beauty definitely is. Ignore me and my anti-religion propaganda .
  8. Have just received the Phat Pads with blue anodised backings and so far I'm really impressed. Have only had a quick play in the garden but the finish on the backings and pads are top notch- and the blue backings really are pimp! The brake is far quieter than I expected (which is a good thing in my book) but the bite and hold seem perfect. There seems to be good modulation for doing manuals etc but when you pull the brake properly it just locks solid. Looking forward to giving it a proper good tryout in the near future. I'm currently running an Onza Ronnie rim with a pretty worn grind and look forward to trying the pads on a smooth Trialtech rim when Dave gets his new Sport hubs in stock next week and I can get the new wheel built up.
  9. Sketchy as you like! No change there then...
  10. Which bit do you mean? Are you talking about the bit at the big monument thing where the clip is reversed then played forwards- the move's actually a 360 drop in type thing...
  11. If a tree falls in the woods... yada yada. You know what I mean- If there were no humans and you were an alien, or a photon or a quark or whatever you care to be passing by, from the observers point of view the planet would be in a far better state than it is with our impact.
  12. Sooooo much easier on a mod. The gearing alone will make the bikes feel completely different and combined with trials specific geometry it'll be like chalk and cheese.
  13. That's so blatantly an afterthought it's unreal. Jebediah: "Balls, what about all them stars, he musta made them too, innit?" Geremiah: "Don't worry, dude, I editted it last night. We're all sweet, mush." If only they'd known then about the dinosaurs...
  14. I'm sure it's not 150... We are talking stock here aren't we tdubz? Also, no Megamo's came with rear freehubs either so there's something that doesn't add up here.
  15. No, that's his section from 'Extended Family'. The footage that's on the MBUK DVD is from Reset Films 'Home' DVD can be seen on the Reset website.
  16. You clearly haven't found God then. The Bible clearly states that God only made the Earth and put man on it. Jeez, get with the program, maaaaan.
  17. Worthless is the wrong word. Completely insignificant is more like it. The Matrix was right though- human beings are effectively a plague on what would otherwise be a beautiful planet.
  18. I feel like I've just had an Epileptic fit. Big moves though. I want to see this held!
  19. Trialtech are the future. I have seen it.
  20. Had a really good day. Sorry for abandoning everyone but Andy and I were on a bit of a filming mission and would've just been in everyone's ways the whole time if we'd stuck with the group. Hope you can get a new crank arm sorted Ollie!
  21. No worries, I know exactly what you mean. It comes down to personal preference. I thought it was funny that you suggested the Bionic when that's exactly what Cliff (who owned the Dob in the first post) has gone onto- which is the bike I linked to. I agree that disc is nice on street due to it making everything seem so much smoother due to the silence that goes with it.
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