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Everything posted by monkeyseemonkeydo

  1. Bored, bored, bored, bored, bored...
  2. I'm afraid due to you being on the wrong side of the Atlantic your opinion is invalid. As I've already said... Trialtech! I've been running my Inspired forks (same manufacturing techniques used as for the TT's) for 9-10 months now I think and they're so stiff and strong I don't think I'd ever bother using anything other than Trialtech or Inspireds again.
  3. Is there actually anything wrong with the brake or any reason to completely strip, flush, replace all the seals and rebleed?
  4. Youtube Video -> ">" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350">
  5. Venhill used to be/are the UK importers for Magura and deal with warranty claims. However, 05 Magura's levers will crack at that point simply due to it being poorly designed. If and when you get a replacement lever, take a dremel and round off that corner to remove the stress riser which causes levers to crack when used for trials. Or at least wait until the lever starts to crack then attack it with a Dremel which is what I've done. Edit: www.venhill.co.uk info@venhill.co.uk Venhill Engineering Ltd 21 Ranmore Road Dorking Surrey RH4 1HE 01306 885111
  6. I *think* I've got radical highs up in Scotland too. Will have a look for it next time I'm home. I've also somehow managed to lose my copy of MBUK with the article in and would definitely like to see a scan, Chris .
  7. Yup. I can backwheel and sidehop as well as I could on my Monty 20" but can also manual, bunnyhop, spin etc far better. It just feels right for anything you throw it at.
  8. I've got the Ashton one up in Scotland somewhere but I never saw Thibaut's show.
  9. Your best bet is probably to try and track down a second hand Fresh Products or RB designs blade.
  10. I hope that makes more sense to someone else... Here's mine a while back and I looooove it! Best frame/bike I've ever owned for sure. Also some more recent ones in action: link.
  11. Gotta be the German Shepherd... foxes are really quite small.
  12. The winner of each program went on to a weird game thing at the end where you used a mallet to hit foam blacks out from the bottom of a stack, you had to keep the stack standing and the final one was worth 5k. I went all numpty and messed up the 5k one. Martyn Ashton got the 5k but can't remember who else...
  13. They actually did used to be called rock ring's you know... But yeah, he should've been told bashplate rather than smash...
  14. £2.5k... not bad for a minute and a half's riding! Still kick myself that I should've won the full £5k but it was a crazy, crazy day and I really shouldn't complain! Was gonna point out Danny at the start but thought I'd see if anyone recognised him! You look so young!
  15. Biketrials is an extension of motorbike trials which itself was an extension of 'scrambling'. Read this for the history of biketrials.
  16. But that's exactly it- the creation story is an attempt at explaining something the writers knew nothing about. At no point did 'God' or 'Jesus' sit everyone down and explain how it happened- it was made up as a nice little introduction to the author's book. As mentioned in Red Dwarf, I just wish they'd uncover the missing page of the Bible: "If genuine, it belongs at the beginning of the Bible and is believed to read, "To my darling Candy. All characters portrayed within this book are fictitous and any resemblance to persons living or dead is purely coincidental." Of course it may already have been discovered and destroyed by the church... For me the death of someone really close was one of the things when I was a kid to push me completely away from religion.
  17. But those two things are so incredibly far removed from each other and incompatible I actually wouldn't know where to begin. Science = proven, realistic, acceptable, believable, logical, true. Creationism = mindless drivel made up by humans with less fact and truth in it than Shrek.
  18. Does that mean that all the murderers, rapists, paedophiles, genocidal maniacs etc. etc. have a place in your heaven provided they believe in God? I choose worm food. You said you believe the creation story. That's not quite the same as Evolution if my memory serves me correctly... 6 days versus 4.5 billion years?
  19. To me the idea of 'God' (at least in a Christian sense of course) goes hand in hand with the Bible. To me the Bible is simply a fictional novel written by people who didn't know any better. Religion itself is itself an attempt (by humans) to explain things they don't and couldn't, at the time, know or understand, particularly with reference to what happens when we die. On one hand this allows people to not necessarily fear death and give them hope that when they die it is not the end but on the other hand, and far more importantly, offered the church huge control over a large proportion of the world's population. In times gone by (and still in America, Africa etc.) the majority of people were 'God fearing' and this allowed the church to keep a fairly tight leash on the public by ensuring that they lead good, wholesome lives in order to avoid 'Hell'. I see things in black and white and have trouble seeing the grey areas. In this instance Science (=evolution) is white and god is black, so to speak . The bible is the only thing Christians have to go on and, in my mind, is utter drivel. Don't get me wrong, religion (if it works for you) is good; be nice to people, don't steal etc. but that's just common sense. In actual fact religion has been the excuse for more death and destruction than anything else in human history*. *may be an exaggeration, I don't know.
  20. Brakeless maybe... They did change that for the following two shows because so many people were failing at the first hurdle; they moved the posts from being offset to all in a line.
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