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Everything posted by monkeyseemonkeydo

  1. I'm going to ignore that and pretend you said 'freerunning on a bike'.
  2. Oh my. Sooooo jealous! Damn you!
  3. Boots. Get some. Front brake. Cover it. Nice bike though. I'm still messing about on a 98 Beta Techno 250 but then I'd rather not have to worry about trashing it when I stack it than have a lovely shiny new bike and cry when I scratch it! Where are you riding?
  4. Born: between ca. AD 275 and 285, Nicomedia, Bithynia, Roman Empire (İzmit in Turkey today). How dare you, he's virtually related to Pat Butcher.
  5. Also love the footjam stoppie over the box type thing... looks like fun to learn!
  6. I bet if it'd been edited and filmed as slickly as Danny Mac's vid it might be getting a different reaction. It's another of those 'fine line' things where yes, most of it is BMXey but there are little bits of trials which makes it something else. Front hook on a BMX? Thought not!
  7. This topic kind of sums up what's wrong with trials... Over classification is a bad thing. The great thing about Danny Mac is that he just rides his bike how he wants and has fun doing it. He'd probably call himself a trials rider but at the end of the day IT DOESN'T MATTER! The Inspired, and 24" trials in general, seem to allow the rider to just have fun, regardless what you're doing and for some reason it stops you from thinking in such a restrictive way... it's weird!
  8. Watch Ryan Nyquist (barspin king) and you'll see he pinches all the time when barspinning. I thought it was kind of the 'old school' way of doing them, and the new school kids don't need to pinch much like they don't need brakes 'cos they're tooooo cool .
  9. I'm confused by what you're trying to get at there... No, you couldn't ride singletrack or dirtjumps on a 20" Monty... not with any level of success anyway. However you can on an Inspired while also being able to backwheel and sidehop pretty much as high as the Monty. In theory the Inspired is less 'specialised' than a full on trials bike, however the geometry and feel of the bike means it still manages incredibly well with whatever type of riding you throw at it.
  10. Did you pinch the saddle when you learned? Because mine's slammed that doesn't seem to be an option... although I know a lot of BMXer's don't bother pinching anymore. Would definitely like to learn though.
  11. That's really rather impressive... Really wish I could barspin . Edit: And tailwhip! Nice find .
  12. Both. Plus a bit of park if you're that way inclined, or singletrack if you've got the gearing and a mamma seat post, or dirt jumping if you fancy... It is simply a very versatile bike for everything. I've ridden mine on dirtjumps, north shore, street, street tirals, 'proper' trials and am also doing the Hampshire comp series on it this year. And to be perfectly honest it feels 'right' for everything I've tried on it. They really are awesome little things! Edit: didn't vote for the above reasons.
  13. I run 160's because I wanted the bike to be similar as similar to my Monty as possible to ease changing between them, combined with 18:13 gearing it's probably not the most obvious set up but I get on fine with it.
  14. Not yet... that's the next option but I was hoping to do it without completely dismantling the Rohloff. Without the spacer behind the sprocket it's a very big difference to make up so to use washers on the jockey wheels I'd also need to use longer bolts which isn't ideal...
  15. Didn't want to make a new thread so I thought I'd recycle this one. Just got a Rohloff tensioner and it doesn't line up with my sprocket at all... anyone else had this problem or have any suggestions. It's on my Fourplay with an Echo 135mm fixed singlespeed non disc hub (this one). Basically with no spacers so the Rohloff bolts directly onto the hanger the jockey wheel is still about 5mm from being in line with the sprocket on the hub. There's only so far you can space the sprocket out by because there's not much room for the lockring threads... Kinda stuck! Edit: Kind got it bodged with washers and running a spacer behind the sprocket but it's not exactly ideal as the lockring is only on by about 1 thread...
  16. So who was he? Sounds like a drunk if he thinks he slayed a dragon... Bloody sassenachs.
  17. That must still've taken quite a while to do though, Adam! Nowhere near as much as doing it manually obviously but still fairly time consuming.
  18. Aww, shucks :$ I can backwheel higher, more confidently and more consistently on my Fourplay than on my Monty Pr. Bunnyhops (either over or to back) are also opened up which helps a lot on big stuff too. I can also sidehop just as high as I could on the Monty, even with my fairly stiff 18:13 gearing. Gapping wise I can pedal gap further (probably helped by the gearing) but can also static gap virtually the same distance. In short, I love the Inspired. I've effectively been a mod rider for over 10 years and the inspired is the most fun and comfortable bike I've ever owned. I've now sold the Monty and am using the Fourplay for street, natural and comps and see no reason to ever get a different trials bike again!
  19. Has he actually got a team of publicists emailing every newspaper and online presence with the vid?! I can't believe how big it's become worldwide, in the public domain, in such a short period of time. Love you Danny
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