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Everything posted by monkeyseemonkeydo

  1. There is supposed to be some science behind it, allowing the muscles to work more efficiently and possibly reducing the build up of lactic acid (I'm guessing now)... unfortunately they do make you look rather like a giant pansy.
  2. Good stuff Nath . You look really comfortable on that Yabaa. Is some of that down at West Bay? Really need to get down there and to Portland sometime...
  3. This thread was pure awesomeness. They make me cry.
  4. You mean he's not quitting he's actually passed away? RIP Ben Lazenby.
  5. If you do donate sperm, and it is used to fertilise an ovum in the future, the resulting child now has the right to know who you are don't they? I really don't like the idea of that 15 years down the line!
  6. Veeeery tempting!! It's a bit of a trek but sounds like an awesome weekend... will let you know asap .
  7. I've been running an RB designs booster on mine but am sorely tempted to take it off because the frame is a really stiff, well designed beast and I really don't think I need it.
  8. That could've been quite an amusing conversation with the jobsworth PCSO if your mate had known about it... 'Allo allo allo, what's all this sonny jim? Could you show me the warning instrument on this 'ere bicycle?' *Screams in face* 'Get the f**k out the way asshole!! is that ok, officer?'
  9. He's an annoying b******!! The boy's just tooooo good!
  10. If you buy new cranks every time they start to creak a little you're going to be buying them pretty often! Anyway, to answer your question Trialtech's are very good value for money but they are similar in material and construction to Echo Forged's and if you're worried about creaking cranks you might want to splash out on something like Middleburns...
  11. Agreed- definitely an improvement . But not all the way down, I'd leave at least 2-3mm of weld all the way round to keep some strength at the join.
  12. BMX is cheap as chips compared to most bike sports- the absolute top possible spec bike is about £1000, whereas you're looking at almost double that for trials and more like 5-6000 for XC, downhill and road bikes. Surely not? That sounds like BS to me!
  13. Have used KMC Kool's for the past 7 or 8 years and never had one snapped (replaced every 6 months max) but have just gone to the Trialtech Lite to try... Either would be a good choice .
  14. Ah, Tomm... you're a doctor (nearly?) so is the whole thing just a massive over reaction by the media to try and take our minds of the recession? Seems like the pandemic is about as nasty as the standard flu and unless you're a young baby, old or infirm you've got very little to worry about. What was Ryan and Kris's take on the situation?!
  15. Is it that easy?! I'm getting me some chrome rims and coating them in washing up liquid when I ride! watch out Rowan!!
  16. They are very good but you obviously pay for the quality. If you've got the budget, go for it. If you just want good solid cranks which you won't mind scratching and bashing into things, go for something like TrialTechs- I've been using some for the past year or so and have no complaints at all.
  17. Yeah they do, although they cost something silly like £60 each and no one stocks them. To be honest, they really aren't needed for trials and are far more likely to get damaged and messed up due to rimming out/denting etc. They do look kinda swish though! They other option is tracking down some old Araya rims on eBay...
  18. You Canucks run weird setups! Bet it's fun to ride though!
  19. I'd love to hear the response of an emergency operator when someone hysterical comes on screaming they have swine flu...
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