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Everything posted by monkeyseemonkeydo

  1. If you run one with rails and run an offset seatpost back to front you should be able to get away with it... Or just buy an Inspired.
  2. It's basically a weight mass thing. Until a few years ago the 'norm' was to have 32H front, 36H rear. However these days, possibly starting with Monty, 32H has become the standard on both front and rear and 28H may well become the norm for the front if Monty have their way.
  3. Yeah, I bought a complete Zoot, pimped it up a bit and a couple of months later the Inspired's were released and I just couldn't resist! To be perfectly honest the geometry is pretty similar and so they rode fairly similar. However, there's just something about the Inspired that makes it just that extra bit special. I don't know if it's the geometry tweaks, the difference in weight or stiffness or what but in my opinion it's just better. I absolutely love my Inspired and doubt I'll ever bother changing to anything else, odd as that may sound.
  4. No problem. Things are kind of coming full circle a little bit with more traditional looking bikes with seats becoming fashionable again, mainly through the increasing popularity of 24" I guess.
  5. So which stem would you recommend for these bars Ali?
  6. Trials bikes haven't always been stupid looking long low things with no seats you know... They actually used to resemble bicycles!
  7. God I love the proper Streetfighter II games... Epic Ken vs. Ryu fireball rounds ftw.
  8. But Rich is from down that way and knows Andrei and Joe well... and he's on here more than the others so thought he might be able to shed some light on the situation.
  9. Brilliantly misquoted there .
  10. I thought it was £20 for one day or £30 to attend both (comp days that is). The prices on the website didn't tally with the entry form but i'm pretty sure those << were the final numbers... Afraid I can't make it because I'm down on Dartmoor helping with some Duke of Edinburgh stuff but sounds like a bit of proper info wouldn't go amiss in here... Rich? Jack? Andrei?
  11. Mine does too... what needs adjusted to stop it?!
  12. You carried on driving it with no oil in the gearbox?! If it was just a seal to start with it's now a new gearbox isn't it?! Edit: And Jarrod, do you actually have a bike and ride anymore?
  13. He's fookin' fast until he crashes though.
  14. Damn that sucks . I was parked there too but obviously a Moon Lander (Rover Streetwise boyyyyzzz) doesn't float anyone's boat... they probably felt sorry for me, or were too busy laughing...
  15. Was that the minute before you actually saw me ride? :$
  16. Nah, if you actually go into the more detailed forecast on the BBC it says exactly what the Met says .
  17. All weather reports say it's going to rain at 10, clear up to sunshine by 1 and then some light showers in the afternoon. Just depends ho long that downpour at 10's going to last...
  18. I'm guessing that it's Iain Withers who's the normal commentator for The Clan. Don't actually know though! Wish I could be in The Clan
  19. Poor quality video of one of his displays: Youtube Video -> ">" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350">
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