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Everything posted by monkeyseemonkeydo

  1. Missed this post somehow... You didn't think that maybe this guy was just telling you exactly what the 'camp' organisers wanted you to hear? I'm not saying he was a plant but come on, question things for once! In what possible way did 'god' show him that it was real? What you've described is pure propaganda. That last sentence too... yeah. I'm afraid what you've described there is evidence of paranoid schizophrenia. Anyone who's 'argued with god for a few minutes' has some issues. I can't tell if you're actually taking the piss now or if you've just got some serious issues.
  2. Are you f**king kidding me?!! And how is the bible proof? If I wrote on a scrap of paper that pigs can fly and white is black it doesn't make it true or proof that it is fact. The bible is just a book, written by mortal humans to try to explain stuff that they couldn't find evidence for. You're exactly the sort of christian that actually makes me angry... Brainwashed from birth to unquestioningly believe what they're told. Unfortunately most of America seem to be the same.
  3. Team America is coming true... Everyone ready with the distress signal?
  4. So you're effectively brainwashed if you're brought up in that environment? Man that sounds like a good way to spend your life... It wouldn't alter my life in any way, but I'd be pleased to have saved someone from a life of lies and BS in order to open up their minds to the possibility that the Earth wasn't made by an old guy with a beard... It should be noted that I've always been a very logical person, I think I may be 1/4 Vulcan or something... anyway, maths, science etc make sense to me. Things have a logical order and using the basics of these you can make logical theories regarding the origins of the universe or whatever you fancy. The fact that religion, at it's very heart, is 100% illogical and almost fairytailesque I simply find it laughable. I'm sure if I'd been brought up in a christian environment I'd have also been brainwashed and would see things totally differently but I'm bloody glad I was left to make up my own mind.
  5. I just feel kind of sorry for 'true believers'. Although it's obviously good if they get something out of it I can't help thinking that 99.9% of people who are religious are so purely because it's what they've been taught to believe since an early age and have never questioned it. It just seems like an exit for those without any kind of thought or decision making process... 'And Jebus said: black is white'. 'Oh, is it? Ok'. I think the worst thing about chirtianity is the bible itself... You'd think that anyone who read the first few pages would immediately dispel it as clearly a work of fiction, maybe even a kids story book. The fact that anyone could even consider any of what is written after that to be true is laughable to me. It's not just christians of course, they're just the ones who I tend to be exposed to most in the UK. You'll be glad to know that since 2001 I've gained a good hatred of the Muslim 'faith' and the more I learn about their beliefs the more I see them as being maybe 500-1000 years behind modern society. Anyway, probably best not to delve much deeper into that... for christians on here, Hannah Shucksmith's always good for a bit of an argument discussion on the topic of how you can simultaneously believe in both evolution and creationism . But the thing is that they haven't come to believe through any kind of evidence, or mental enlightenment, they have simply been told (often early in life) 'This is the truth. There is no other possible truth. You will believe and defend this truth whenever anyone questions this truth'. That obviously doesn't make them bad people, but I do think it makes them incredibly gullible and, possibly, a little stupid for not questioning it. "The first time someone calls you a horse you punch him in the nose, the second time someone calls you a horse you call him a jerk, but the third time someone calls you a horse, well then perhaps it's time to go shopping for a saddle." Edit: That Westboro Baptist Church... how is it that in America where they love their army and wars almost as much as they love their guns that they haven't shot the picketers at soldiers funerals and burnt the church down? Oh, yeah, they're also all stupid, god fearing folks too...
  6. What if they had a bit of dust in their eye or something?
  7. Not really. DNR only comes into effect if the patient, during the course of an operation/treatment/whatever would otherwise die and has chosen that if this happens the doctors must not intervene and resuscitate them. Euthanasia is the choice of a patient who feels that their own standard of living is such that they want to be helped to die through lethal injection or whatever. Don't know if that explains it in the slightest but meh!
  8. Better than talking about penises though surely?
  9. Weird isn't it? But it's ok because their religion tells them to do it (in the non medical cases)
  10. A link to another website with pictures from another other website... Just seems kind of rude to me. Here's another vote for a Tribalzine thread in the website updates area where Ben can post all the updates.
  11. And what happened to the 'Lobster Dog cut me' option?
  12. But if it were illegal to do it to boys how is it different? It is after all genital mutilation however you look at it, in 99% of the cases (I guess) without any kind of consent from the boy because he's 2 weeks old! Are you sure? I thought circumcision was a purely religious practice primarily in Judaism.
  13. Showing my ignorance here but what, exactly, are the religious beliefs behind male genital mutilation? Seems like one seriously f**ked up thing to do in modern society. People get really quite upset about tribes in Africa doing this to girls (and boys?) yet it is still a completely accepted practice amongst Jews.
  14. Orange are stupid for not going for a new trials frame based on your designs Ali! Those look sweet as!
  15. Surely Ian would know, since he's run virtually every frame and tyre in existence?
  16. Hehe, I know... I'm not exactly subtle!
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