But seeing as the Church supplied that bit and refused to provide a sample from anywhere near the actual 'image' then they're kind of shooting themselves in the foot. The evidence to prove that it's a fake is right there but they're unwilling to allow it. Could it be, heaven forbid , that they've already carried out their own carbon dating and proved to themselves that it's a fake? But maybe, just maybe they'd rather if they didn't come out and dash the hopes of billions of people worldwide by letting out that the single piece of vague proof that Jesus even existed is a forgery?... Regardless of it's true age, the 'image' on it or anything else, it first 'appeared' around the 13th Century. So, even assuming it's real, what bright spark decided that it simply must be the sheet that covered Jesus in his tomb? And precisely what evidence did he have of that fact? Completely removed from whether I'm a Christian, materialist, chauvinist or Martian, it's a complete joke!