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Everything posted by monkeyseemonkeydo

  1. There are people you can talk to you know?
  2. Knowing what Dave usually posts on here he was probably wanting to ask them whether the bible explains which way pedals screw into the cranks on his Monty. That or he's already forgotten what he wanted to ask... Liking the telescopes point Rowan .
  3. Yup. The only difference between humans and monkeys is that we've evolved to become mildly intelligent so we can communicate what's going on in our heads with each other. It's another of those self obsessed human beliefs that we're so special that there must be a meaning to life and our existence. 42. Either that or Xenu the dictator of the "Galactic Confederacy" who, 75 million years ago, brought billions of his people to Earth in DC-8-like spacecraft, stacked them around volcanoes and killed them using hydrogen bombs. We are all therefore thetans, the remaining souls of the dead. Seems about as believable as Christianity to be fair.
  4. But seeing as the Church supplied that bit and refused to provide a sample from anywhere near the actual 'image' then they're kind of shooting themselves in the foot. The evidence to prove that it's a fake is right there but they're unwilling to allow it. Could it be, heaven forbid , that they've already carried out their own carbon dating and proved to themselves that it's a fake? But maybe, just maybe they'd rather if they didn't come out and dash the hopes of billions of people worldwide by letting out that the single piece of vague proof that Jesus even existed is a forgery?... Regardless of it's true age, the 'image' on it or anything else, it first 'appeared' around the 13th Century. So, even assuming it's real, what bright spark decided that it simply must be the sheet that covered Jesus in his tomb? And precisely what evidence did he have of that fact? Completely removed from whether I'm a Christian, materialist, chauvinist or Martian, it's a complete joke!
  5. I think you'll find that most of the 'research' is carried out in the Vatican by the church immediately making it 100% null and void. Last I heard they'd successfully dated it to around 1200ad... so not really when the main man was (supposedly) around. To me it's one of the most laughable pieces of 'evidence' out there (if there are actually any others?). Edit: Soooo, basically, somebody made it around that time and probably made a lot of money from a lot of gullible people passing it off as real. It. Is. A. Fake.
  6. Faked bit of cloth with a tea stain on it, right?
  7. Well he was the son of god/god itself. Duuuh!
  8. BBC was saying heavy rain Friday and Saturday earlier... As does the Met.
  9. Neither of those make sense though. So... he's asking himself why he's forsaken himself? Either he's got a couple of screws up in his head loose... or the people you're describing above can't read. I also find it mildly amusing, in the light of Prawn's blatant Nazism, that the death of Jesus can be placed squarely on the Jews. Man they must feel a bit shit. Says you.
  10. I don't really get how he died for anyone. One of his homies grassed him up to the rozzers and they had him crucified. He hardly did it of his own free will...
  11. I thought that was what the whole bible was about... him being the son of God an' all that... And where did you say these camps are held? Edit: Also, can I ask how you got into Christadelphianism? Are your folks followers too?
  12. That's one of the major differences I found when I did my bike test. I was asking the instructor really quite stupid questions about whether it's ok to let go of the bars to wipe/raise/lower your visor in the test and he looked at me as if I was mad- 'well if it's dangerous not to then just do it...'. In the bike instruction/test they're far more open to how things should be done to be safe and stay in control rather than worrying about whether you cross your hands, block shift, check your mirrors 15 times a minute (regardless if you actually see anything, so long as your head moves) like they do in driving tests. At the expense of brake pads and discs... I always go down through the gears but then that's how I was taught and it makes sense to me.
  13. Not sure. I think Tartybikes might sell Monty stuff and you could always try Trials-UK . Hope I've helped.
  14. Is it wrong that I hiss at preacher people if I see them spouting their religious rubbish in the street? Or just rude?
  15. I think you'll find that they continued blissfully unaware of that until the end of the journey, at which point they told aaalllll their friends about your 'bloody dangerous' display of the lack of respect from the youth of today. The fact is that all the drivers everyone's describing simply don't have a clue how to drive. Those who drive at 40 everywhere simply don't know any different. If you were to stop one in a national limit and ask them the speed limit and how fast they think they were going, they wouldn't have a clue. Likewise middlelane hoggers- I bet if you were to actually stop them and ask why people keep undertaking them/cutting across their noses into the (empty) inside lane (), they'd just tell you about all the dangerous wankers on the roads today. I would dearly love for someone to do some research on not how many accidents are caused by excess speed, but how many accidents are caused by slow drivers forcing people trying to make progress to overtake them in dodgy spots. I've done it so many times- I get so wound up by them that any space becomes an overtaking opportunity and I bet a lot of head on collisions happen because of it.
  16. Agreed, those yanks are seriously messed up. Canucks are a bit weird but friendly and cool .
  17. I've never ridden a road bike or a fixie but I can tell you right now that you're talking out of your arse! Going up a hill, if someone on a geared roadie bike, has a reasonably good technique (ie not stomping the pedals just nice and smooth), even if he stayed in the same gear all the way up the hill, with the same ratio as you, there'd be no difference between that and a fixie. At that point it just comes down to fitness, although, of course, we all know that you're going to be in the net Olympics FP, most likely kickin' that pussy Chris Hoy's arse, eh? However, if the hill started to get steeper or whatever, the road bike could change gears, get the cadence right, and pull away no problem.
  18. Personally, I wouldn't want to waste my time on such things. The closest I've got to a bible has been checking if there's a page 666 in them... Have obviously scanned the first creation bit online, found it completely laughable (didn't realise it was a comedy) and stopped.
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