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Everything posted by monkeyseemonkeydo

  1. It worries me slightly that you took the time to work out an anagram of FeS Iron Sulphide cells... Good show though!
  2. That's almost worthy of a facepalm but I'll let you off for now... The ultimate answer surely must be 42. That or FeS.
  3. I was guessing professional dumbass, but in the absence of that being a real job I'll go for future letter bomber of universities and research centres .
  4. A much underused word these days. "It's a blatant clue, innit, blatant!"
  5. Man you are so dumb and ignorant I can't even begin to explain it.
  6. Why do you believe that? When in your life did you decide that the way of Christianity was for you?
  7. But it does have an edge. There's no fence of course but our Universe could be likened to a balloon, which is continually inflating. Kinda.
  8. Why? In the absence of matter (in the region beyond our Universe) what can you possibly be left with?
  9. Man he must've been bored in the infinite time he was around before he decided to create the Universe. Wonder if he had a hobby...
  10. To quote the rather little known philosopher Landroverus "One life. Live it."
  11. Yeah, I was thinking he's a bit pants too. And him regularly finishing in the top 3 in the American rally series just supports that idea too. He's crap.
  12. Only if a certain family of Giraffes were subjected to (and survived) very regular tsunamis and so were able to reproduce and pass on the genetic knowledge required to evolve such things. I can't put my finger on it but it seems like this thread is going very slightly off course... not necessarily a bad thing of course, particularly if you're a rather forward looking philosophical Giraffe...
  13. And because no genes can subsequently be passed on for the genetic modification required for the said obliterated giraffes to grow gills or meteor proof exoskeletons!
  14. Technically speaking we can make water by combining hydrogen and oxygen and we also have UV lamps and the ability to recreate the temperatures on the surface of the sun so I guess that makes us all powerful, nae gods. Must. Not. Post. Facepalm.
  15. Not sure about the bringing life to millions... are we talking ? Would you like to tell that to the 300,000 people who lost their lives in the 2004 Tsunami or shall I? Oh, wait...
  16. Why not? To go off topic, on the reincarnation front I've never quite got the route back up... If you're bad you come back as a newt or a dung beatle or whatever. How, precisely do you lead a prosperous and positive life as a dung beatle in order to work your way up to being a dog and eventually back to a human again? Am I missing something?!
  17. Ah, fair enough. It was inevitable really that that would be the case. Sarcasm/Irony noted. It's not as simple as that though, as has been shown in this thread. For some people, faith is the be all and end all of everything and no amount of facts, evidence, proof or sense will make them question that faith. It's kind of the ultimate trump card, which in their minds is the only answer needed for any non believers. To the logical fact>faith but to someone with faith, faith=faith.
  18. Exactly, what if the heretics had never had the chance to investigate the world in which we live in? If the church (sorry to go back there) had its way we'd still believe the Earth was the centre of the solar system, was flat and who knows what else? Thankfully we haven't burried our heads in the sand of an ancient text and never updated our beliefs and instead have made it our goal to further our own understanding independent of any kind of superior being. No comment. But do you contest that 'the church' of medieval times was Christianity in an organisational sense? Or do you think that 'the church' of old was a corrupt organisation (almost mafia like in its structure) who simply saw the weakness in those who followed the Christian belief system and used that to impart power over the masses and 'work them over' for massive personal gain? Also, respect for the last section of your post which although I don't know the ins and outs of your beliefs I can see that it must be kind of difficult to find acceptance in any of the 'camps'.
  19. All points taken on board . Absolutely. I can't think of a single war started in the name of Buddhism, any extremist terrorist groups using Buddhism as an excuse to murder innocent people or any Buddhists claiming that 9/11 was the work of any kind of god. In fact the only slightly questionable side to Buddhism is the reincarnation thing which, although the cause of quite a lot of road deaths if I understand correctly, is a fairly nice way of thinking about things which doesn't use any threats of violence or pain to try and point followers to do good acts and lead a worthwhile life. Christianity on the other hand... Edit: No animosity intended at all Ben. Your posts often go over my head but it's very refreshing to hear from someone like yourself who can question both sides from most angles, rather than the blind faith shown by Christians and blind trust in proof, understanding and science which I'm afflicted by.
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