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Everything posted by monkeyseemonkeydo

  1. I used to love the idea of those aluminium pressed monocoque type X-Tort frames! Geometry was terrible for trials but they looked sweet . But yeah, 24" trials is definitely reintroducing more fun back into what 'real trials' has progressed into.
  2. Youtube Video -> ">" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350">
  3. Only the buff ones. Or international superstars called Danny Stardust.
  4. That's all assuming that the mugger/chav/rapist/angry midget who's attacking you has had the very kind forethought to choose the anti-stab knife for his stabbing duties, which, lets be fair here, isn't all that likely.
  5. "designed to work as normal in the kitchen but to be ineffective as a weapon." I call bullshit. It's a knife. It has a f**king sharp blade on it. How can that be considered ineffective as a weapon?
  6. Unfortunately yes... I still do.
  7. Russians are born with pockets? Smoking's disgusting, smoking while driving pisses me off and people who throw fag butts out their car windows piss me off something rotten. I h8 smoking.
  8. It's not really like a city. Not unless you're a miniature Ewok I guess... Anyhoo, Hut Hill is here.
  9. A lot of people make trials look effortless, Ash.
  10. Looks pretty one off to me... thankfully!
  11. Don't like that... The preproduction white one looked much better, those skull graphics are just wrong. Also something about the build makes it look kind of cheap and budgety... can't put my finger on it though.
  12. Huh? You're comparing Christianity with physics? Christianity is a load of shit, time travel is something made up in Sci-Fi which may or may not be theoretically possible. But then you're talking about relativity, the possibility of travelling faster than the speed of light, the bending of time by gravity etc. I'm pretty sure what I described (poorly) about the plane thing has been tested and proven using atomic clocks...
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