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Everything posted by monkeyseemonkeydo

  1. Russians are born with pockets? Smoking's disgusting, smoking while driving pisses me off and people who throw fag butts out their car windows piss me off something rotten. I h8 smoking.
  2. It's not really like a city. Not unless you're a miniature Ewok I guess... Anyhoo, Hut Hill is here.
  3. A lot of people make trials look effortless, Ash.
  4. Looks pretty one off to me... thankfully!
  5. Don't like that... The preproduction white one looked much better, those skull graphics are just wrong. Also something about the build makes it look kind of cheap and budgety... can't put my finger on it though.
  6. Huh? You're comparing Christianity with physics? Christianity is a load of shit, time travel is something made up in Sci-Fi which may or may not be theoretically possible. But then you're talking about relativity, the possibility of travelling faster than the speed of light, the bending of time by gravity etc. I'm pretty sure what I described (poorly) about the plane thing has been tested and proven using atomic clocks...
  7. I don't really get what you're asking but suggest you have a quick google of Relativity, time, spacetime etc. Time is not a constant. If you had two identical watches at Heathrow, and while one stayed there and the other flew across the Atantic in a jet, the one which stayed in Heathrow would be a tiny bit ahead of the one across the pond. Time would have appeared to slow down for the travelling watch... So is the person wearing that watch a tiny bit younger than if he'd stayed at Heathrow?
  8. Surely you'd be all about reach? As in you could hit your opponent from across the ring and never need to get close?!
  9. Yeah man, you tell 'em Butterbean!
  10. No, I know exactly what you mean and from a physical standpoint it makes perfect sense, although, having said that, the chance of someone like Steven Hawking (for example) finding a successful mate (who doesn't just want to beat him ) and successfully reproducing with them must be pretty low compared to any able bodied person. In that case the chances are that such 'defects' may well not be passed on to new generations anyway. I disagree. Evolution is the natural progression of our species and that doesn't have to be driven by threat in my mind. We don't have to have sabre toothed tigers chasing us for nature to push us forward in some way or other. People are getting taller. You just have to look at houses a couple of hundred years ago to see that. I'm pretty sure that with that comes the natural need for feet to get bigger to aid balance. Now I'm pretty sure we haven't needed to run away from tigers too recently and I don't think we need to be taller to reach higher leaves like giraffe's so that has to be down to gene mutation and evolution of sorts. Anyway, where are the religious folks to tell us that God created us in his image and evolution's one big lie?...
  11. That's the logical way of looking at it but you walk round any town and see the 15 year old schemie mums with 3 ugly kids and no future who seem to be taking over our country like a virus... Then tell me the general population's going to get more intelligent? I propose mass sterilisation of retard chav families who will only ever grow up to be obnoxious louts who are more than likely to father a few more wastes of life before ending up in prison...
  12. I can see things like these being developed in the not too distant future. That's obviously a pretty quickly made initial prototype with a standard MTB air shock. If a shock could be designed and very carefully set up to allow the rider to spring up more than the human body allows it could work. It'd mainly be of use for static moves obviously but if you could also remotely lock the shock out you might be able to get the best of both worlds with minimal weight penalty.
  13. Alright, calm down Dierdre! To be fair, you did seem to propose that the murder (which is what it would be in our current society and laws) of anyone with any 'defect' would further human development. I don't think our genetic evolution has halted in the slightest to be honest. We seem to be getting slowly taller, generally with bigger feet. I guess our brain's may also be developing as we become more advanced.
  14. At the simplest level, considering ourselves simply as mildly developed mammals, the only purpose of life is to ensure the continuation of our species and more specifically our own DNA and genes to a new generation. I think MAM put it something like "we're born, we grow, we f**k, we die". Pretty much, I'd say! What we do in between is simply to try and make our own lives, and sometimes those around us, more fulfilled. In which case we're all screwed!
  15. Yeah, 'cos he'll help... I jest, I jest. But seriously, he wont help. Bike boxes all tend to be similar widths, it's only the height and length that change considerably. All you can do is pack it as well as you can by wrapping the tubes in like pipe lagging foam stuff, making sure it's packed out with scrap cardboard or foam or whatever and maybe stick a load of 'FRAGILE' stickers on it, although that might only help to get it treated roughly... What are the options for shipping it with a proper courier company rather than leaving it to baggage handlers? I know TartyBikes send completes all over the world and they seem to arrive in one piece and can't be extortionate...
  16. I'm glad to tell you all that a certain gentleman moderator just pointed me to our new bible. The Devil demanded suicide porn... I give you Suicide Girls: "The most beautiful nude images of the SuicideGirls from the past 8 years."
  17. I don't see how anyone could say they're not easy as pie to bunnyhop... Mine's always been a complete bunny beast, which, in my mind, looks something like this:
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