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Everything posted by monkeyseemonkeydo

  1. Just material and price I think. I've been running mine for nearly 2 years now and they've been perfect.
  2. He sounds worryingly sincere...
  3. Currently running hi rise Easton EA30's which have been really good. With a couple of stem stackers and a reasonable rise stem you'll be laughing .
  4. I thought Danny was just asking for the time from the observer rather than shouting at the guy walking out of the section like the commentator said...
  5. Woop I've spoken to Andy and we've decided we'd each like one of these: Preferably with some hot young women and maybe some Smarties cookies too (or is that last one just me?)... We'd like to dedicate this to all the homeless puppies in the world. And God, of course. Or Xenu. Either or.
  6. Can I just point out that a load of the ones on eBay have the date on the head side which make then worth 20p... It's only the ones with no date at all that are of any value. I think there are going to be a lot of disappointed people spending way over the odds for a 20p piece which is worth... 20p. And also: Mmmkay.
  7. Aww, it won't let me put in a 'Best Offer' of 20p. Damn.
  8. When did bandaged teapot?
  9. Lol, it happened after I turned ZoneAlarm off when I clicked to reply to the last message! Will try a few things...
  10. what in the Sam Hill was Sam Hill wearing?! Looks like something either Mr Motivator or Timmy Mallet would wear!
  11. Check; Windows firewalls been off for ages as I use AVG and ZoneAlarm. Regularly run CCleaner to get rid of all that rubbish but my problem still happens.
  12. Ok, I'm having strange interweb related issues and am wondering if anyone has any ideas... Basically my computer regularly stops being able to see the vast majority of the internet. Nothing happens or pops up but I just find that I can no longer get onto any sites. What's very weird is that things like MSN still work and I can still access my Uni Outlook Web Access email account but nothing else. The only way I've found to fix it is to restart which is a bit annoying. I'm running Vista on a newish Vaio laptop and using IE8. I've tried downloading Firefox before but it does the same. Happens when both plugged in to my uni connection and wireless at home so it's not a connection problem, seems to be an odd software/computer issue. Any thoughts?
  13. Nice and chilled, liked that . Really need to get down to Portland on the Inspired at some point and ride some rocks!
  14. Without defending paedophilia (except for it's comedy uses such as Brass Eye of course), I think that quote is very easy to take out of context. I very much doubt he was openly admitting that 'having sex with a minor is a beautiful thing', rather a parent comforting their child by cuddling it and showing it security and love... anyway I can see I'm starting to dig a hole so I'm gonna stop there...
  15. The way I see it is that I don't think he was a paedophile, not in the real sense of someone who sexually lusts after kids. I think his upbringing messed him up so much that he was basically always living his life as a child (something he wasn't allowed to do when he actually was a child) and the only people who could really relate to that were children. I don't think there was anything properly sinister about it, and the charges and claims amounted to people praying on him as a weak person with sooo much money and so little grasp on 'normal' people's lives. On another note (sorry), It's come to light that he didn't die in hospital of a heart attack he was in the children's ward having a stroke.
  16. Exactly he must've been innocent.
  17. I'm afraid that means absolutely nothing. The whole court case was a joke- he turned up in pyjamas on a least one day... just a massive publicity stunt which proved nothing. And yeah, I don't want to turn this into a slagging match or start arguments. If anything it should've been his father on trial for screwing up his kid so much. I think it's a shame how things turned out for him in the later part of his life; he should be remembered for his contribution to music, which was considerable.
  18. Yeah, the 26" ones were around 2kg each... I'm still running DMR Moto RT's and I imagine if you pump them up to 60psi or whatever they'd be perfect for park but wouldn't screw you up if you actually wanted to ride some more normal street too.
  19. That's a whole different ballgame though... To hell with ignoring them if they come round my house they'll get told in no uncertain terms to get the f**k away from my house. I got a leaflet through the door from them the other day telling me how they're going to deal with the end of the world (which is imminent apparently). Shame I missed them really. I also got a leaflet through the other day from a Scientology church which is opening in Bournemouth apparently. Never before have I wanted to commit arson quite so much...
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