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Everything posted by monkeyseemonkeydo

  1. One of the things with the Keirin is that the Japs gamble hugely on it though isn't it? It ain't normal I tell thee.
  2. At least they actually keep on moving on the tour... some of those velodrome events at the Olympics are just completely f**ked up. A race where you go really f**king slow for the first 2000m and actually stop and trackstand for periods and then finally sprint the final lap and no more. Why not just do the last lap and be done with it? And don't get me started on the one where you have 100 people and a 1920's motorbike going round...
  3. Man, you're right! He even has the Green jersey Mark's after... And that picture mentions pills
  4. Legal notice: Not to be taken seriously at all and purely for the purposes of humour. Sorry Chris but I really couldn't resist.
  5. What like the 'athletes' who actually stick a tube up their penis and fill their bladder with someone else's urine to try and pass drugs tests? Now that's messed up.
  6. So why was he pissed at not retaining the green jersey? I'm not a roadie so I wouldn't be too bothered if Lance Armstrong kicked my ass on the Tour... I'd just get Fat Pants to whup his ass on a fixe anyway...
  7. Ok, so why was Cavendish being a grumpy bugger at the end of Stage 13? Wouldn't say a word to the ITV reporter dude. If he didn't want to lose the green jersey, maybe he should've gone faster and not come 118th? Le Tour confuses me!
  8. That was probably Martyn's demo bike... Could be wrong though.
  9. Says the man who's never even tried a comp .
  10. That would be no use at all on a 24" though. Agreed. I run 18/14 for comps and 18/13 the rest of the time. To be honest I can do street trials just as well with the 13- slightly less acceleration from static obviously but I still sidehop the same height and can backwheel the same. The 14 just makes it easier on nasty muddy banks and makes the bike feel lighter and flickier in comp situations.
  11. I should point out that the main reason I run soooo many stackers is that the fork steerer is internally threaded for the topcap. I didn't want to cut the steerer down too much in case I ran out of thread, particularly as I don't have access to a tap to extend the thread. I don't need that many and it does look OTT but I'm happy with it and can't be bothered changing it now .
  12. I've run the Echo fixed tensioner (the one built into the fixed hubs) and am currently running an Atomz sprung. I bought a Rohloff before the Atomz but didn't realise it was incompatible with either the Echo hub or Trialtech fixed I use for street. However, if your setup allows I've only ever heard good things about the Rohloff- really nicely engineered and excellent tension.
  13. Would've looked better with white forks . Edit: Or maybe a black bar and stem .
  14. Ah, I was looking at the cumulative overall results rather than the individual stage times. My bad.
  15. So how is Cav the best sprinter if he hasn't won any stages or whatnot? How do they get the points?
  16. Nowhere near as much as Bradley Wiggins from what I've heard, in the overall standings anyway. Edit: Not that I have a single clue as to what the green jersey means...
  17. Personally I was just thinking how awesome that hat he's wearing is...
  18. 1:05 on that first one... whaaaatt?!
  19. Now I'm confused! Maybe it's just the way it's written down there- looked like you were making a comparison between feet and metres then jumping to square metres. Whatever, it's a lot of money and a 15 acre site is never going to be feasible without a lot of financial backing... Edit: 15 acres is 653,400 sq. feet. At £2 per sq. foot that makes it just over £1.3 million per annum.
  20. There may be 3.28 feet in a metre but there are 10.7584 square feet per square metre...
  21. Veeeery nice. Top marks for effort!
  22. Soooo... have you actually paid Ali for it yet?
  23. I was fairly close to getting one of these for a while: Until I emailed CRC to find out if they made spare axles for them. Apparently not, hence me making my own axle for the Echo hub.
  24. Your best bet is to find a friend or someones dad or whatever who works in a machine shop... I'd have thought if you could provide them with the original aluminium axle to copy the geometry from and throw £10-£15 at them they would be fairly happy to oblige. Homers ftw!
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