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Everything posted by monkeyseemonkeydo

  1. I've still got it . It was Moto Racer 3 on PC (which I also have...).
  2. However, I've been riding for over 11 years and have only ever strained my back a couple of times and broken my wrist once (my own fault- shouldn't of happened). Other than that it's the usual bumps and scrapes but for such a lot of riding I think I've done well. As has been said, it's all about riding to your ability. If you get on a bike and try and do a 10ft dropgap you're going to hurt yourself. Lern the basics and work up to bigger stuff and you'll be fine.
  3. I think due to the slow speed and control required in trials, the chances of messing yourself up is a good bit less than BMXing, until you start doing stupid stuff anyway. You here of far fewer trials riders blowing out their knees etc. than in BMX and in theory you learn to fall right early on and when things do go wrong you usually keep things under control and land with yourself and the bike safely.
  4. Don't even bother trying to make him see different, he's a hardcore christian who has seen and been part of quite a few real life miracles so you'll never, ever convince him of anything that he doesn't already believe and have faith in. I still don't see the difference between being 'edge' and just saying no to drink and drugs... It does seem kind of like a faith or religion linked thing but is it more down to a 'scene' incorporating certain types of music etc?
  5. But it's the alcohol itself I don't like the taste of. Even alcopops or whatever, they don't just taste like orange juice or whatever, they taste of alcohol and I don't like that. However after a few drinks of any kind, like other senses, taste becomes 'blurred' and the dislike tends to fade...
  6. 2004 was just a fluke. If you take the average of the four years, Team B score 60 points and Team A only score a lowly 14.75 points. Team B kick ass.
  7. Jesus people, it isn't rocket science! Stop making it so damn confusing!! In your 1st post, the allen key needs to be rotated in the yellow arrow direction. End of.
  8. I can't tell if he's actually really good and innovative on a bike, or just a little bit retarded. It's different, that's for sure...
  9. . You're a bad, bad man. Don't listen to him kids; respect the filth police .
  10. I've always wondered how that works... motorbikes are the same everywhere so switching between the two must be really awkward! Anyway, bike looks good. How do you find those pedals? They look grippy but possible a bit uncomfortable?
  11. To be honest I'd say you're far more likely to have an awkward stack when you're new to trials. With time and plenty of bails comes the cat like reflexes that allows you in most cases to save yourself and your bike without damaging yourself too much. However this takes time and it's just not worth the risk to be fair. I was bad and never wore a helmet for years and years. Luckily never actually needed one but these days I basically don't go out without one. Where a helmet.
  12. Every single sharp point and angle in there will be a stress raiser and possible crack initiation site. They ought to all be changed to include a radius instead. But yeah, with regards the rotor itself, probably worth just buying a Gusset R-Series and being done with it... My guess is that if you made that you'd end up with a distorted disc likely to crack when used for a prolonged period. No reason not to go for a tensioner, brake lever, booster, bashring etc though.
  13. +1. Crack happy as it stands.
  14. It only happened on Saturday... I'm still doubting anything will come of it due to the circumstances and not being pulled half a mile up the road but if it does I'd guess he should start worrying at the end of this week and then allow a sigh of relief around the 1st of August.
  15. Is the Inspired not doing it for you? Or is it the proper trials/comp scene you want it for? Edit: Lol at Rowan's sneaky comment.
  16. Were there more spectators there than it looks like? Seem to be surprisingly few looking on... I worry for todays male youths... first it's wearing girls jeans, now everyone's wearing girls shoes. Hoe long before they start wearing sports bras or high heels?
  17. He's Canadian- it's a rear brake . One black one which he used to ride then a blue one when the new colours became available? To be honest I have no idea if Danny has cracked or broken any frames, I guess he must've but from what I've seen he doesn't go through them massively quickly. Inner tubes are another matter though... Toooo late... He had one and sold it.
  18. Police motorcyclists should be highly trained. If it was wet he shouldn't have been going faster than allowed by the distance he could see in which to stop safely (that doesn't make sense but you get the idea). It basically shouldn't have happened although I obviously have no idea of the road layout of the circumstances.
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