That post is so much BS I don't even know where I'd start... But I'll just comment on "kids like crazy things like jumping of high dangerous things, far and fast, and nuts stuff.... but when someone brings out a video like that all you lot do is moan..... so nobody brings them videos out anymore". Yes kids like cool dangerous stuff, far and fast. I'm guessing the videos you're talking about are all the TGS videos that people like Ben Lazenby and Mat Smith keep bringing out which lets face it are none of the above. They also wear jeans which are far closer to the 'latex' stuff you're talking about than any normal trials rider has been seen in in the past 10 years. I don't imagine kids giving two shits about someone sidehopping from static up various sized walls and rails... So yes, when those guys bring out a sidehop video expect abuse because it's dull, boring and less like trials than Danny Mac. If no one brings out those vids anymore the world would be a better place. The video you describe- far, fast and nuts is exactly what Danny's doing on a bike and instead of everyone just saying 'that's not trials', maybe more people should be thinking about taking inspiration from his riding and going out to try more fun, flowy stuff and trying new stuff rather than just finding a wall that's 1/2" higher than the last one so everyone can try almost making the sidehop to it. And if you weren't meaning Lazenby and Smithesque vids sorry, but the point still stands just not aimed at you .