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Everything posted by monkeyseemonkeydo

  1. Unfortunately in the UK at least I think that seems to be more and more the case... sad but true.
  2. What was the disc contaminated with? Did you clean the disc rotor before putting the new pads on? Otherwise yeah chuck some water on there and ride around with the brake rubbing to get it good and hot and it should bed in reasonably quickly. Also worth scuffing up the pads before putting them in (rub them over some concrete or file them a bit) to get the glaze off.
  3. It can't be far off the colour of my Inspired is it Oli? That's RAL 5015 Sky Blue... Rich (KarsonLeveret) might be able to find out for you if you want a proper match...
  4. Will it? Doesn't it depend if the hub's a Pro2 Trials or just a standard Pro2 designed for an 8/9 speed cassette... Never owned one so may be talking poo.
  5. One more random one from Jo Clark. Looks kinda like I'm a giant riding along the horizon. Or is that just me?...
  6. Dropped off my entry with Hazel today and that brought the grand total of entries to... 11.
  7. I couldn't believe how fugly that Tramontana thing was on Fifth Gear...
  8. Nah, it's fine. If it can take a 135kg Arial motorbike with a ~15 stone guy on it it can easily take a few 9-10kg pushbikes with 10-11 stone guys on them!!
  9. Some nice pics there Oli . Have you decided what frame you're going to get next?!
  10. Not as well as Kurt Brain it seems though...
  11. But you're saying that they're the best trials riders in the world. They may be your favourite riders and they may be able to sidehop higher than others but that doesn't make them the best trials riders...
  12. I think Benito, Vincent, Kenny etc. etc. would have something to say about that...
  13. I don't run a booster at present and haven't actually tried the TT one but I'd guess: Does what it's supposed to, relatively well priced, relatively lightweight, quite aesthetically pleasing... Sounds like a winner to me .
  14. Mattered enough for you to edit the post .
  15. I'd rather have plastic jockey wheels to be honest. In fact I do because I bought the Atomz for my Inspired. No complaints really. It doesn't seem as good as a Rohloff but they're incompatible with my setup so it was the Atomz or another Kingz and I resent spending so much on a block of rubber.
  16. If I was in the Tour (not massively likely I know) I would take a BB gun with me to get rid of the retards running alongside me on the climbs. They make me angry just watching them!! That and to shoot the riders of the motorbikes with cameramen on them who keep getting in the f**king way!
  17. They actually rereleased Moto Racer 3 for PC under the 'Gold Edition' title which would be best as the original doesn't work with XP SP2+. Ediit: Just been on Amazon and you can get Gold Edition for £1.95 delivered and Moto Racer World Tour for PSOne for £2.04 delivered .
  18. Not really... The trials bits were more of a novelty compared to the 'proper' racing. The PC version was ok with some slightly iffy physics but was pretty cool at the time. What was pretty cool in the PC one was adding your own skins to the bike and rider to make a Dougie Lampkin rider . Edit: PSOne screenshot:
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