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Everything posted by monkeyseemonkeydo

  1. To be fair, a freewheel really shouldn't get that hard a life (outside of that which it's designed for) and shouldn't be expected to fall into three pieces after 18 months use... I take it the cracks initiated at the sharp points where the pawls pop into? All three appear to have happened exactly there...
  2. I vote for t-shirts and a leaflet campaign.
  3. Why hasn't he been entered? Has he not qualified/not attended enough comps or what? Riders have always had to find their own way to comps too... no way BCF will cough up for riders to fly to Oz/NZ for such a small sport as trials. If anyone it would be up to the sponsors to 'help out' where they can surely? Think I'm missing the point somewhere!
  4. . But that would be naughty.
  5. You're silly. It seems kinda sensible to me though! It works in mototrials, it works on mods so why shouldn't it work on stock trials?! I'm not saying I'd want a 23" rear rim on my Inspired but for most 26" trials (natural and street) I don't see why it'd be such a bad thing .
  6. Really? You could just bleed it through with mineral oil again... I never said that by the way.
  7. He's a very angry man... he's a proper bike throwing nutter at times. He's well known for his Ridge Rage!
  8. Always happens with front freewheel setups and to a lesser extent with freehubs too. Just slacken the chain off slightly so that when the tight spot comes round the tensions correct and you're laughing.
  9. Why not though? 19" rear rim with big air volume tyre on mod has been standard for years. I reckon if more manufacturers had jumped on it when Monty did it back in '02 or whenever it could've worked. Now there are so many trials specific manufacturers it'd only take Deng and Koxx to give it a whirl for Maxxis to start producing a trials specific tyre in 25". The more common use of rear discs also lends itself to the reduction of hassle in implementing it.
  10. Yup. 25th Anniversary limited edition.
  11. 25" rear rims and tyres coming back in and becoming the norm for stock?
  12. I think it kinda works as a 25th Anniversary special edition... If it was just the standard red, white and black or whatever it'd just be another Kamel.
  13. 2199 Euros. The normal one retails at about 1995 Euros so it's not massively more expensive...
  14. I've been waiting for years! I first went double disc in around 2002... When's Dave going to get the Mk2 Inspired sorted?!
  15. From what I've heard, NZ is really bad for domestic violence so anything that gives the police power to protect kids at risk should be a good thing, provided it's used sensibly. But overall, smacking kids as a last resort when they've been properly bad should not be illegal. Gotta teach the little shits somehow...
  16. Thanks for clearing that up . That thicker shank of the address will definitely help on hooks and gaps to front.
  17. Is it worth speaking to Terry about making the next comp at Bransgore into a funday/practice/playday? I know it's not ideal but if it gets a load of riders together having fun then it's all good... Maybe have a few random sections set up as well to allow riders to give comp style riding a go without the pressure of competing. Thoughts?
  18. The play day's held at Bransgore and Richard Frampton has loads of stuff to ride on there as is so stuff to ride on is never a problem . Haven't heard anything about one yet... might see if we can get something sorted- I have a feeling that a general play day would attract far more riders than a comp, people seem to see comps as something too serious that you need to be really good to attend... time for some pure fun without a competition element?
  19. I thought we were onto a winner after the first comp at Bransgore but since then numbers have been dwindling again. This had to happen though... Hopefully for the next one people will be able to get the entries in in time if they're planning to attend!
  20. Ok, I get it; you're young, I'm old. Leave it already!!
  21. Ah but does Danny use a random lump of wood as a makeshift bashguard? Didn't think so . Rob is an incredible rider but a very scary man!
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