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Everything posted by monkeyseemonkeydo

  1. Steve Peat ran the gear system on his DH rig for a while ('Airlines' springs to mind) but it never took off. Don't remember brakes though. Edit: Anyone spot the minor design problem? Slick. Real slick.
  2. Not if it's wireless and I imagine it would be comparitively heavy... Don't see it myself.
  3. I've just got a card to give him but obviously there's no way everyone/anyone will be able to sign it. Was thinking of printing out the comments left and putting it in the card then signing it from all of HBTC or whatnot.
  4. And the odd socks. And the gay shiny shorts that look like the ones boxers wear... These Frenchies really aren't doing anything to help the fashion side of trials are they?!
  5. Just spoken to the hospital and they've said he's doing fine. Am going to go and visit him this afternoon and will let him know everyone's thinking of him .
  6. I'm going to give the hospital a ring in a bit and find out how he's doing and when they're likely to move him to Southampton General. Will update if I get any news.
  7. I just got a message from Mike Graves, ex World Round rider and super nice guy: This probably means nothing to most people but Terry has been an important figure in UK biketrials and the ACU for many years and has been organising the Hampshire Biketrial series for the past 8 or so years. He is one of the kindest and nicest people anyone will ever meet and I just wanted to pass on this information for those of you who know him. I very much hope he's through the worst of it but will endeavour to find out more and see if I can go visit him at some point. Anyway, my thoughts are with Terry, Hazel and Michael and will let you know if I hear anything else.
  8. Point proven. Starship Troopers truly is one of the most horrendous films ever made and does actually make me want to inflict serious violence upon it's producers.
  9. That would be most embarassing if it was just the lock slide thingy... Will ask him to check .
  10. And violence solves nothing and more likely will end up with you either 1) getting arrested and getting a criminal record or 2) ending up in hospital when the first guys friends jump in or track you down later on and smash you round the head with a metal bar rendering you 3) dead.
  11. GF's grandad is having some issues with the USB ports on an XP PC... The computer only has USB 1.0 ports and when he plugs in his digital camera or SD card reader, it makes the right noise, gives the old 'this device can perform faster' blurb but then nothing appears in My Computer as it should (removable storage or whatever). Strangely though my external HDD plugged straight in and worked perfectly and his webcam works fine etc. So basically the ports function fine for some things but not for his camera or card reader... Any ideas? Have tried installing the specific drivers but the card reader needs to be plugged in to install and although it physically is the computer can't see it so aborts the install. The camera has no drivers because XP should support it already! Am I looking at a Windows reinstall to sort it?
  12. I don't believe Trials-UK is still running... Has it changed ownership or is Dan still the man?
  13. But if that's their selection policy, that's their selection policy. With nothing against Joe at all- he's an awesome rider and deserves every opportunity he's given but at the end of the day, their policy seems to state that they aim for top ten finishes only. If his results haven't indicated that that could be a reality if he travelled to NZ then that's it. However, having said that, if he's already booked the flights I'd have thought the BCF can see he's serious about competing and ought to be given the chance to represent... Maybe he should become an honorary Kazakhstan citizen and compete for them. I doubt there are many World class UCI trials riders over there!
  14. As in they go out looking for fights with other people? Try and provoke a response so they can get into a fight? Sound like the sort of tards that you ought to avoid...
  15. Yeah it's a Holden HSV Maloo UTE or some variation on that... Edit: Ok, it's an HSV Maloo R8.
  16. Ending was totally lost on me... However, sex wee time!
  17. Odyssey Triple Traps!! I didn't know they even still made those! Used them for years back in 98 onwards because Martyn Ashton did .
  18. If you don't have any savings to even cover the deposit, how healthy are the finances to pay back the rest? As with any of these things, it's best to shop around for the best deal. A few manufacturers are still doing 0% with reasonably big deposits which would save on the APR... Check out somewhere like moneysupermarket.com for comparisons on loans though. Also, any deal you find from a bank interest-wise, enquire first at the garage to see if they can match or beat it- there's usually some room for negotiation with these people. May also help.
  19. *Refrains self from making a 'so does your mum' comment*
  20. There must be a reasonable explanation. I doubt Roger simply doesn't like Joe's hair or whatever... Come on Jack, elaborate.
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