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Everything posted by monkeyseemonkeydo

  1. I don't believe Trials-UK is still running... Has it changed ownership or is Dan still the man?
  2. But if that's their selection policy, that's their selection policy. With nothing against Joe at all- he's an awesome rider and deserves every opportunity he's given but at the end of the day, their policy seems to state that they aim for top ten finishes only. If his results haven't indicated that that could be a reality if he travelled to NZ then that's it. However, having said that, if he's already booked the flights I'd have thought the BCF can see he's serious about competing and ought to be given the chance to represent... Maybe he should become an honorary Kazakhstan citizen and compete for them. I doubt there are many World class UCI trials riders over there!
  3. As in they go out looking for fights with other people? Try and provoke a response so they can get into a fight? Sound like the sort of tards that you ought to avoid...
  4. Yeah it's a Holden HSV Maloo UTE or some variation on that... Edit: Ok, it's an HSV Maloo R8.
  5. Ending was totally lost on me... However, sex wee time!
  6. Odyssey Triple Traps!! I didn't know they even still made those! Used them for years back in 98 onwards because Martyn Ashton did .
  7. If you don't have any savings to even cover the deposit, how healthy are the finances to pay back the rest? As with any of these things, it's best to shop around for the best deal. A few manufacturers are still doing 0% with reasonably big deposits which would save on the APR... Check out somewhere like moneysupermarket.com for comparisons on loans though. Also, any deal you find from a bank interest-wise, enquire first at the garage to see if they can match or beat it- there's usually some room for negotiation with these people. May also help.
  8. *Refrains self from making a 'so does your mum' comment*
  9. There must be a reasonable explanation. I doubt Roger simply doesn't like Joe's hair or whatever... Come on Jack, elaborate.
  10. To be fair, a freewheel really shouldn't get that hard a life (outside of that which it's designed for) and shouldn't be expected to fall into three pieces after 18 months use... I take it the cracks initiated at the sharp points where the pawls pop into? All three appear to have happened exactly there...
  11. I vote for t-shirts and a leaflet campaign.
  12. Why hasn't he been entered? Has he not qualified/not attended enough comps or what? Riders have always had to find their own way to comps too... no way BCF will cough up for riders to fly to Oz/NZ for such a small sport as trials. If anyone it would be up to the sponsors to 'help out' where they can surely? Think I'm missing the point somewhere!
  13. . But that would be naughty.
  14. You're silly. It seems kinda sensible to me though! It works in mototrials, it works on mods so why shouldn't it work on stock trials?! I'm not saying I'd want a 23" rear rim on my Inspired but for most 26" trials (natural and street) I don't see why it'd be such a bad thing .
  15. Really? You could just bleed it through with mineral oil again... I never said that by the way.
  16. He's a very angry man... he's a proper bike throwing nutter at times. He's well known for his Ridge Rage!
  17. Always happens with front freewheel setups and to a lesser extent with freehubs too. Just slacken the chain off slightly so that when the tight spot comes round the tensions correct and you're laughing.
  18. Why not though? 19" rear rim with big air volume tyre on mod has been standard for years. I reckon if more manufacturers had jumped on it when Monty did it back in '02 or whenever it could've worked. Now there are so many trials specific manufacturers it'd only take Deng and Koxx to give it a whirl for Maxxis to start producing a trials specific tyre in 25". The more common use of rear discs also lends itself to the reduction of hassle in implementing it.
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