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Everything posted by monkeyseemonkeydo

  1. Ahhhhhhh. In which case ignore everything I've posted! A bunnyhop is getting up stuff without using the cranks- what you're after is a pedal up. I learnt those watching the slo-mo section of Martyn Ashton in Tricks and Stunts. They're all about timing. You need to start pedalling the correct distance away so that you get to the most powerful part just as you're taking off. I start with my good foot down and roll in at about walking pace. The first half pedal stroke I'm basically only using enough power to lift the front wheel. As the good pedal comes towards being forward you need to stamp on the pedal to get the power through the cranks. At the same time you should be jumping upwards, timing it so the power from the cranks is helping to accelerate the bike upwards and to start with you should be simply allowing the bike to move upwards. You then need to be throwing the bike up and out in front of you to allow the back wheel to reach as high as possible while also locking the rear brake for landing.
  2. joshlyd1 aka Rod Kimble... Life is short. Stunt it!
  3. Wow, you're right, what you did is almost the same as riding a motorbike off a quarter pipe and parachuting back to earth. Thanks for clearing up whether it's possible or not.
  4. It needs to be a very explosive move, especially on a mod where it's not as easy to pull up the front end. If you can, try it first on some pallets or something which you can build in height but will also move a bit if you plough into them so it's less likely that you hurt yourself.
  5. The issue's not with the diameter it's the pitch. You need the M5 thread to be M5 x 0.8mm and a standard M6 thread is M6 x 1.0mm. Therefore an M5 insert will be threaded internally with M5 x 0.8mm and externally it'll be M6 x 0.8mm. Does that make sense? Anyway, if the threads have been changed to be M6 x 1.0mm then no, you won't be able to stick a Helicoil insert in. Yeah... that's not really answering his question though.
  6. It's all about timing and commitment. Before bunnyhopping up stuff I'd advise learning it on the flat first until you get the technique down. Although it happens very quickly the move itself can be broken down into several stages. First you want to come in at somewhere around jogging pace. Start with your weight forwards and crouched slightly so you arms and knees are bent. You then need to judge when to pull up which depends on how high you're looking at going and how fast you're moving. To initiate the move you want to throw your weight back and pull with your arms to lift the front wheel up. Almost immediately you should be jumping upwards with the rear wheel of the bike (front wheel high) initially still on the floor. At this point you should be jumping vertically upwards with straight arms and legs and the bike should be leaving the ground. You then want to use your arms and legs to allow the bike to be pushed upwards underneath you. It's basically about letting the bike continue it's trajectory you started by jumping it with effort from you to push it upwards and forwards onto the obstacle. Obviously to go to back wheel is a slightly different technique than bunnyhopping flat over a bar but the theory is the same for getting the bike up, it's just a case of manipulating the angle of the bike in the air and pushing the bars more forwards for a two wheel landing or upwards more for rear wheel. Hope that makes some kind of sense...
  7. I'd be wary of the guy that runs it to be honest... some dodgy pro previous world champion rider type... (Sorry, joke. It's run by Ben Savage and provided he's not off competing should be able to help out if needed)
  8. Regardless of quite how unbelievably excited you are about this Mr Rusevelt, why doesn't he use his old account? Silly ginger fool...
  9. Thanks for that Anzo. Have passed the info on and leave it with him. As you say I doubt it'll be cheap but he may be able to get uni to pay for it which won't be as bad.
  10. Just had a chat with Michael and Terry is now in Southampton General and went down for a procedure about an hour ago to check for damage and if necessary put in some braided hosing (Terry's words!) to stop the narrowing of arteries if necessary. Now whether that's Magura, HEL or Goodridge hosing I don't know but fingers crossed everything goes to plan. Michael thinks that Terry could be home by the weekend if all goes to plan but will update if I hear anything. Michael also said that Terry's been very touched by the comments people have been posting here so keep them coming!
  11. Anyone know of any companies that deal in data recovery from dodgy external HDD's? Friend of mine has a 1TB drive which he's sent to one company who, after checking some online reviews, turn out to be a bit crap and always (after charging £97 themselves) end up passing drives on to their sister company who charge an upfront, non recoverable, £450 deposit just to look at the thing. So yeah he's trying to get the drive back and wants to send it to somewhere more reputable... any suggestions?
  12. Don't get me started! Tori was there. He was hardly going to come on to you with his trophy girlfriend in the vicinity...
  13. I guessed you must do. You've been taught well .
  14. Is it wrong that I find it funny just thinking about the Englanders pronouncing Brechin as Bretchin? Some nice pics . I do love the Boxx frames...
  15. From what you describe I'd say you're the perfect candidate to go for a 24".
  16. It doesn't seem to do that much though... That rims obviously been ground before and this device has added a few light marks to the rim. That would wear out in no time at all in the wet. Edit: Also "The cost of the unit, materials only, and depending on the quality of knurling tools you use is $300.00 to $500.00.". Mmmkay.
  17. Exactly! Go gay Prawn! On another, far more serious note... Interesting is the parallel between crustaceans and homosexuality. God says himself that he doesn't like homosexuality, and crabs and prawns either. Many people don't like seafood, and many are repulsed at the idea of homosexuality. This seems to put God in the category of 'many people' in that he has opinions, dislikes, in my version it even says 'God hates that' [homosexuality]. But if he says eating crustaceans is an abomination, and everything indicates it is nothing of the sort, does the same go for homosexuality? I don't really see how you can logically refute one and not the other, it is disregarding the bible just as much as refuting them both.
  18. Is this secretly in conjunction with the TF fight club?
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